FRP eliminated the Conservatives, Liberals and KrF


But Siv Jensen is better at negotiating behind the scenes than campaigning in the arena. This is a big problem for Frp.

Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum

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The budget settlement became the big night of FRP: lower limit of exemption card of 700 kronor for health services. More for retirees. Eliminate the tax on air passengers for the entire year 2021. And much more.

For western Norway, there is a breakthrough: construction of the Stad ship tunnel will begin and the cut in the net pay scheme for seafarers will be reversed. FRP has also strengthened the shipyard financing plan and strengthened the shipwreck deposit plan for ships.

And for Westerners, Having never had the Swedish border and Harry’s shopping a short drive away, he may taste good with cheaper beer, wine, tobacco, and snacks.

The FRP, on the other hand, did not win significant victories in the demand to cut the refugee quota or in the level of the development assistance budget. On the other hand, they managed to increase the time of intermediate stay of the refugees from three to five years.

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In total, the Progress Party has an advance of nearly NOK 20 billion. That’s a lot of money.

The big winner it does not lie primarily in the fact that the other parties have had to incur heavy losses (even though the alcohol, tobacco and sugar tax cuts are painful for KrF). The winner lies in the amount of money that Siv Jensen has managed to move.

And if there is any part of the Progress Party that comes out a bit more good, it must be Westerners. Here in the West, the party relies not only on resistance to immigration, but more on industry, welfare, and lower taxes and fees.

In that sense, many in Vestlands-Frp were probably happy that the party lost the battle to stop Langskip, the large CO₂ capture and storage project that will be able to provide many industrial jobs along the golden coast of western Norway.

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The waiver card limit is reduced by just over 700 NOK.

Tuesday budget settlement They come while the measures have gone from bad to catastrophic for the bourgeois side in general. KrF and Venstre are, as usual, below the threshold and Høgre and Frp are in free fall.

In TV measurement 2 they get a total of 58 seats. It is miles away from the 85 needed to get the majority.

Budget settlement or autopsy? Party leader Siv Jensen (Frp), Minister of Education and party leader Guri Melby (V), Minister for Children and Family and party leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF) and Prime Minister and leader of the match Erna Solberg (H). Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

The meeting tonight of the bourgeois party leaders in the hallway of the Storting looked like the Adventist company from hell. Siv Jensen made it very clear that the government is at his mercy and may be overthrown next year.

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She herself must almost double support for the party in nine months if the FRP does not want to obtain a catastrophic electoral result. It may seem that six and a half years as finance minister has done better in budget struggles than in election campaigns.

All four parties may bring something from this fall:

For Frp it will become clearer that it can be profitable to stay out of government. Around the King’s table, it was impossible to make big tax cuts on alcohol and tobacco. There was a breakthrough for both parties around the negotiating table at the Storting.

For KrF chances are high that the top tenant is not getting a good night’s sleep. This should be the government dreamed of as a team with conservatives and liberals. Now nobody thinks about what KrF has had an impact on this year’s budget.

Instead, everyone sees that the party must accept cheaper snus, beer and cigarettes for the people. What alternative of government should they focus on now? Coalition with the Center and the Christian Party?

For the right clearly a plan and a profile are missing: it is no longer possible to say “vote for Erna as Prime Minister!” for voters to come streamer.

Conservatives have repeatedly tried to “take” Vedum in district politics. Probably, first and foremost, it has made people hear the word “district” and thus been reminded that they want to vote for the Center Party.

It seems very clear that Erna Solberg’s dream of a quadripartite government will never come true again.

And the left? Guri Melby’s first state budget made the main FRP opponent the winner of the negotiations. It will be demanding for party people to sell, despite many good individual victories.

There is not much in the bourgeois meeting there. The only consolation for Erna Solberg is that the distance can be even greater on the red-green side.

