Frontex participated when asylum seekers were returned to the Aegean Sea


The EU force Frontex has been involved in the illegal crackdown on asylum seekers who have tried to cross the Aegean Sea into Greece, various media report.

Afghans rescued on a Turkish coast guard ship in the Aegean Sea. Photo: Emrah Gurel / AP / NTB

A poll by four outlets shows that senior Frontex officials were aware of the illegal practice and that, in some cases, they were also involved themselves, Der Spiegel and German national broadcaster ARD wrote on Saturday.

This is the first time this has been revealed, Der Spiegel writes on its website.

The practice is known as “refusals” and it means that asylum seekers are illegally sent back across a border where they risk persecution.

Aftenposten has previously written that Greek coast guards drag ships with immigrants out of Greek waters.

Journalists say they have revealed six cases since April, in which Frontex passively reacted to ships with refugees and migrants being forced back into Turkish waters, or in which Frontex was actively involved.

A video from June shows how a Frontex ship blocks a ship with asylum seekers. A later clip shows the ship sprinting over the bow of the other ship before leaving the area.

Various media have participated in the search for documentation. Among them are Bellingcat, Lighthouse Reports and the Japanese national broadcaster TV Asahim, as well as Der Spiegel and ARD.

Journalists say they have compared dozens of videos, examined satellite images and used eyewitness accounts from both asylum seekers and Frontex employees.
