Friday’s “Lindmo” broadcast canceled – VG


ON THE COUCH: Anne Lindmo (50) is interested in both skiing and tourism. He has now been ordered to live on a couch after the concussion he suffered on a downhill run in Romeriksåsen in early February. Photo: Terje Bringedal, VG

“Lindmo” host Anne Lindmo (50) is still struggling after the concussion she suffered on a ski trip in early February.


Thus, tomorrow’s broadcast is canceled, she reports on Instagram.

Instead, it will be a 40-minute broadcast featuring musical highlights from Lindmo’s broadcasts over the past year.

This is what Lindmo project manager Trine Sollie reports to VG Thursday morning.

– There are expert doctors who have ordered me to be on the couch for a few days, so now I am getting paid and I really want to go back, Lindmo tells NRK.

The host fell on the road during a trip in Romeriksåsen earlier this month and suffered a concussion after this.

– We were going down a steep hill, I think it’s a lot of fun. I also don’t know exactly what happened, I think I drove on a rock and then turned on my ass, Lindmo told VG at the time.

Lindmo takes the injury in good spirits, but is forced to launch both podcasts and TV shows this week.

The host writes the following in an Instagram post Thursday morning:

“A strict and wise doctor ordered peace and quiet for my easily shaken brain, so there will be no capsule and no TV show this week! Staring at the ceiling, drinking tea, hugging his furry friend Bamse and leaving the cauliflower idle, see you soon! “.

In the meantime, viewers should take comfort from artists like Sigrid, Dagny, Aurora, and OnklP, to name a few, who have been guests of Anne Lindmo for the past year.

– We are looking forward to Anne Lindmo coming back and we hope it happens next week. But health comes first, says Trine Sollie.

– Do you have a “crisis plan” if she is not in place next week?

– If we have. But I don’t want to say anything about that now, says Trine Sollie.
