Frida Karlsson, Charlotte Kalla | Karlsson and Kalla criticize the ban on fluoride:


The use of fluoride in cross-country skiing has been a long-standing debate, and now Swedish stars are criticizing a possible ban on the product.

In November 2019, the FIS adopted a total ban on the use of fluorinated products in all branches, starting in the 2020/2021 season for health and environmental reasons.

– We have adopted a total ban. Not only for the so-called C8 carbonation, but for all types of fluorine. The ban does not only apply to cross-country skiing, but to all branches within the FIS, FIS board member Erik Røste told NTB at the time.

Failed attempt

The start of the season for cross-country skiers is approaching, but no test apparatus has yet been installed. A so-called “fluoride gun” should be able to measure fluoride values ​​on skis before the start of the race, but it is still unclear.

Jostein Vinjerui, director of the Great Britain national team, tells Swedish Expressen that the test of the device itself must have been a total failure.

– An old pattern was cleaned according to the FIS guidelines, to find a value to start from before trying a new ski with a fluorine sole. The result ended up in values ​​up to 1,500, but the problem is that the fluorine-sole ski only measures 500. That’s lower than the skis by the guidelines, he says.

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The news of the failed tests makes more people react in the cross country environment. Sweden’s biggest ski star, Frida Karlsson, thinks it can be compared to doping.

– The ban on fluoride products comes very soon, considering that there is still no test device that is 110 percent safe. It’s a bit like doping here, and now you can get away a bit without proper testing, the shooting star tells Expressen.

Vignejui believes that this can have important consequences.

– It is a disaster. In theory, this means that you can use new containers with a fluoride sole, without exceeding the value limit.

– Needs clarity

Veteran Charlotte Kalla goes so far as to say that refusal to start can happen when competition begins.

– Ultimately, we are the riders who must take responsibility for the rules that have been established, so that you can quickly finish without starting. We need clarity, he tells Expressen.

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Vignejui believes that a start to the season, with a ban, without a test device, will have great consequences.

– It is a disaster. In theory, this means that you can use new containers with a fluoride sole, without exceeding the value limit.
