Fresh opinions | The crisis package that is completely crisis


Two weeks ago, Erna Solberg was at the national meeting of the Conservative Party and quoted a pop text that I wrote more than 30 years ago: “I have a dream that we take care of each other. And give our best to everyone else. “

By Knut Meiner

This is a discussion post. The publication expresses the attitudes of the writer.

I was very lucky to be the lyricist for this one, one of Jahn Teigen’s greatest hits.

When I was introduced to the government crisis package for tourism and the “so-called events industry”, which Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø managed to call an industry in which I am, in many ways, the last surviving pioneer , I was surprised: there is no better description than the crisis package.

It will help create even more crisis in an industry that is not only in crisis. But that is about to completely collapse.

An entire industry to the west

Congratulations to the government. The signals that the government has now sent are really helping send an entire industry straight west and several hundred man-years to probate court.

To be completely honest: the schemes that the government has presented us so far have been flawed and very poorly targeted. The so-called compensation scheme, which has now been phased out and was supposed to cover the so-called unavoidable fixed costs, was a record boom. For us. We cover 15 to 30 percent of costs. The government is rumored to be working on a similar scheme now. But with less coverage.

I begin to doubt that Erna’s dream of us taking care of each other is as real as it has been said. Personally, in the last few months I have lived more after the last line of the verse that Erna quoted than the first two: “I think when I’m depressed over and over again.” But in reality it is the case that our industry is completely sunk. It is not possible to go lower.

5000 colleagues

Both myself and my 5,000 colleagues in the industry had great faith that we had arrived. That we were considered an industry with good and dedicated professionals. It is worth saving.

Those of us who work with events are very often optimistic people. We embark on sometimes gigantic projects for several thousand people. We often work with them for more than a year. Now we are facing a dark, sad and depressing winter. A winter in which we don’t have engaging, motivating assignments to work with. A winter where we have no idea how long this will last. A winter that we do not know the authorities, who have introduced restrictions that bother to keep us alive. I don’t know how many people have thought about this. We have lost our secure job and the allowances that pay our wages are gone. This is the reality that politicians must assume.

Politicians have not felt the problem in the body. It applies to all of them. Whether they are called Erna Solberg, Islelin Nybø or Raymond Johansen. There are probably many in the industry who are happy to switch jobs with you for a few days. Not being irresponsible or giving our industry everything we need, and a little more. But then you would be in our place. Responsible for some man-years. For some people who depend on making a living to be able to service loans, pay for food, pay rent and all the public taxes they have imposed on us.

Politicians need to know this

You politicians should know: when the pandemic hit us in March, we all thought this would improve after the summer. Summer. Bright, smooth and pleasant weather. We were going to get through it with no income. We should be able to explain it to our employees so they can communicate.

Summer. Time for barbecues with friends and family. The summer it could offer 16 hours of wonderful natural light. It is not so easy now. We are faced with six or seven months of winter and darkness. With all the possibilities of depression and melancholy. And what is worse. Now is the time to take responsibility. It takes responsibility for the strategy it has chosen and closed the country. Take responsibility for using some of the oil money to keep alive an industry and jobs that were profitable and sustainable before the virus hit us.

The new normal

Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø said in an interview a couple of weeks ago that the tourism industry must be prepared for the new rule. For some reason, those of us who organize events put ourselves in the same box with them. It’s okay. But be honest for once, Iselin: Isn’t it worth taking care of us? So say from now on. Then we can fire employees. Terminate the rental agreements. Eliminate all other businesses that cost us money. Tell our clients we are closing. The new normal will run out of us.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Oslo 20200909. Press conference with the Minister of Commerce and Industry Iselin Nybø.  Norwegian authorities will pick up 50 people from the Moria asylum camp on the island of Lesbos in Greece

The author of the article makes an urgent appeal to the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Iselin Nybø.
Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum (NTB)

Yes, I am disappointed in Iselin Nybø, who calls us the “so-called event industry”, and then to demonstrate so emphatically that he cannot provide an industry with enough help from the government. I am afraid of the future of all my teammates and competitors. I get angry when I see that one crisis package after another is being adopted, while we, who have a food ban after all, only get water and bread.

Thanks for the dance

Thanks for the dance, Iselin. It takes two to tango. But only one to close an entire deal. Now the ball rolls towards the Storting. I hope they are able to show more action than the government. I hope they see the value in creating good and safe jobs and that they don’t shut down an entire industry and send thousands of people straight to an endless queue at NAV.

I also hope and believe that Islelin Nybø understands that we, who were a pre-crown of the growing industry, will also be the post-crown. Our clients are hungry to meet again. Physical. Only you, Iselin, can ensure that we survive. Do you accept the challenge? You don’t have many days with you.
