fraud – electricity purchases are misused in fraud – delete SMS immediately


Several have received an SMS, supposedly from Elkjøp, indicating that they have been the winners of a contest.

But they don’t have that!

The call of the electronics giant is clear:

– Don’t bite – delete the SMS immediately.

Five other scams that are devastating now

Five other scams that are devastating now

Harder to see the difference

– We have received several inquiries about this latest attempt, and the most important thing we do now is report on the channels we can, to make sure our clients are not scammed, says communications manager Madeleine Schøyen Bergly.

– There are constantly new and more creative solutions, which means that it is not always so easy to see the difference between what is real and what is fraud, he adds.

This is indicated in the new fraudulent SMS from «Elkjøp»

Elkjop has chosen your phone (tel. No.) Choose your product: (link)

How to expose scammers

SMS scams that are sent may contain a foreign number, typographical errors, and links to websites other than the supposed sender.

– If you are sent to another website Y are asked to provide their credit card number to win a prize, our customers can rest assured that this not it comes from us, Bergly emphasizes.

She advises everyone to be vigilant and delete suspicious texts and emails.

If you are unlucky enough to have recorded contact information on a page that you will later see is not what you thought, we recommend that you contact the bank and lock the account immediately, Bergly says.

Extensive email attacks

Extensive email attacks

This is what you need Never give of you

Recently, Sparebank 1 was also affected by fraud. Here are his tips for people who want to avoid being fooled:

  • Never enter account information, BankID codes or passwords via email, SMS or phone, no matter who requests it, be it a bank, family, friends or others.
  • Please note that your bank will never ask you to provide codes and passwords via email or phone. If you receive such a request, there is likely someone who will scam you.
  • Do you have an upset stomach or discover that you are exposed to fraud? Contact your bank immediately! The shorter the time it takes for the bank to receive the notification, the faster they can act and stop the transaction.
  • Talk to other people, especially the elderly, about the methods used by scammers. One of the most effective ways we can fight this type of crime is to spread information.
  • Please verify the sender’s email address against previous emails you have received from the bank. If you are in doubt as to whether the email is from your bank, you should contact the bank’s customer service center before clicking on any links.
  • Make sure to change the passwords in email, Facebook, Instagram, etc. regularly and avoid having the same password in multiple places.