France closes the country again


President Emmanuel Macron confirmed during a press conference on Wednesday night that the country is once again shutting down the partnership. France is one of the many countries affected by the corona pandemic.

During the last 24 hours, 36,437 new cases of covid-19 have been registered.

The closing will take place from next Friday. The country made a similar shutdown a few months ago. Macron notes that there was a big difference in the number of people infected, hospitalized and killed by the coronavirus.

– For us, nothing is more important than human life, he said.

French people can go to school, work, make the necessary shopping trips to supermarkets and pharmacies, as well as move for physical activity.

Bars, restaurants and other businesses that are not necessary must be closed.

– We once again have to have a special reason to leave home. If you don’t do it for your part, do it for your loved ones, he says.


The president is concerned about the time ahead. To date, more than 50 percent of the capacity of the intensive care unit has been used. He’s worried about it.

– We tried to control the virus when it first spread in the country. Now we are facing the second wave and we know that it will be harder and more deadly than the first.

He says they have trained health personnel to work in the country’s intensive care units.

It will facilitate corona measures for the youth of society

– We must protect the most vulnerable and vulnerable in our society. The youngest, the oldest, the poor, our health professionals.

Criticize the authorities

More than half of the country’s intensive care units have been used for covid: 19 patients. Therefore, French doctors have called for a new national closure, as French health personnel are under enormous pressure.

“The authorities have not heard of the first corona wave,” Frederic Valletuox, president of the French Hospital Association, told French radio channel France Inter on Wednesday.

He calls for a one-month closure and notes that the new corona wave that is ravaging the country will be even more devastating for hospitals.

– Hospitals will not manage if we do not take drastic measures.

On Wednesday, 224 new deaths were reported in connection with the pandemic in France. 3,036 people have been admitted to the intensive care unit, reports the BBC.

Neighboring countries are closing

Chancellor Angela Merkel also held a press conference on Wednesday night. There he reported that the country is now closing restaurants and cultural and leisure schemes as a result of the country having had an increase in the number of people infected with corona.

Furthermore, Germans are only allowed close contact with their own home, as well as another home. The limit is set to a maximum of 10 contacts.

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– Private meetings are unacceptable.

The new measures will come into force next Monday, November 2, and will apply mainly for four weeks. The shutdown will apply to the entire country and will be reconsidered in two weeks, Reuters writes.

Most stores can stay open, as can hairdressers and physical therapists. Schools and kindergartens can also remain open, but must introduce new and stricter infection control rules.

“These are tough measures,” Merkel said.

In ten days the number of intensive care units has doubled. Merkel said that if it continues like this, hospitals will eventually reach capacity. The country has reached a point where 75 percent of infections are undetectable.

In the last 24 hours, 14,964 new cases of infection have been registered in Germany. It’s a new record in one day.

(© NTB / TV 2)
