Fox News profiles break up with Donald Trump


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Trump still refuses to acknowledge the electoral defeat against Democrat Joe Biden. But now even some of his main supporters in the conservative media, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh, have clearly distanced themselves from Trump’s attempt to reverse the election result.

Will say yes to Trump

Will say yes to Trump

Behind the scenes

“If the legal situation does not change dramatically and improbably, Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20,” Ingraham said on his popular Fox News program.

Until recently, she has been a strong advocate for Trump. At the end of the election campaign, he was behind the scenes when Trump attended some of his big public meetings.

CLEAR: Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knows that President Donald Trump must resign. Photo: ABC.
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Carlson, who has been one of Trump’s most ardent supporters Fox News, affirms in his program that the election was not fair, but at the same time admits that Trump lost.

Rush Limbaugh is one of America’s most famous, conservative, and controversial radio personalities. During Donald Trump’s “State of the Union” speech in February this year, he presented Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is one of the most important awards the American president can bestow.

HONORED: Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh was honored by President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump amid his State of the Union address in February.  Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images / AFP

HONORED: Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh was honored by President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump amid his State of the Union address in February. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images / AFP
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I have enough

But now Limbaugh has had enough, especially for Rudy Giuliani and Trump’s other lawyers. In the weeks following the elections, they have made violent accusations of electoral fraud and conspiracies without presenting any documentation.

- New nail in the coffin

– New nail in the coffin

“If it reports massive bombs, it should have some bombs,” Limbaugh said on his radio show.

Trump himself appears to have recently become less enthusiastic about Fox and more enthusiastic about even more right-wing outlets such as One America News Network (OAN) and Newsmax, writes The Guardian.

On Tuesday morning, Trump himself posted a clip with Carlson on Twitter. But he also retweeted a lengthy reggae message from actor Randy Quaid. In a close-up video message from Quaid with flashing light, he quotes an old Twitter message from Trump:

– Fox News daytime ratings have completely collapsed. The day on weekends is even worse. Very sad to see this happen. But they have forgotten … They have forgotten what made them successful. What brought them there. They have forgotten the old golden bird. The only difference between the 2016 and 2020 elections is Fox News.

Fox News has denied Trump’s claims that the audience has collapsed.

SATISFIED: Donald Trump gave a short speech Tuesday night to express his enthusiasm. Video: AP
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At the same time, speculation continues about whether Trump himself wants to start a media network after his resignation as president. According to the Wall Street Journal, Trump’s allies are considering acquiring Newsmax to make it an alternative to Fox News. Newsmax has already seen an increase in audience.

OAN is currently a bit more on the periphery, though Trump repeatedly sends his warmest recommendations to his millions of Twitter followers.

On Monday, the Daily Beast also revealed that the ties are very close. They report that one of the OAN presenters, Christina Bobb, has also worked with Rudy Giuliani and Trump’s other attorneys in connection with the post-election lawsuits.

“Christina is a lawyer and has helped with some legal work as a private person and not on behalf of OAN,” Trump’s attorney Jenna Ellis told the website.

CRITIZED: Fox News commentator Laura Ingraham is criticized for what are perceived as incorrect descriptions of America’s much-debated children’s detention camps. Video: Fox News / NTB Scanpix
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