Four elderly people died after crossing the ice in Sweden – VG


An alarm sounded when a passerby discovered a lifebuoy in the ice. Soon after, the four men were found lifeless in an opening in the ice of the water.


Four men have been confirmed dead in Sweden after traversing ice in a lake in the Sävsjö municipality, south of Jönköping, Aftonbladet reported Thursday night. They are said to have been found on the north side of Vallsjön.

Two of the men are said to be 65, one is 70 and the last is 75, Aftonbladet reports.

According to the Swede Jnytt, an attempt was made to resurrect the four men on the spot, but they were unable to save their lives.

– We don’t know why they were there or if they were together, says Camilla Larsson, a police duty officer.

Police, medical personnel and first responders were notified of the incident at 6.30 p.m. At 10:30 p.m., the sad news was confirmed to the police that all four had died.

One person had seen a lifebuoy in the ice, but could not see anyone nearby. Then the rescue service located four people and pulled them out of the water, says Björn Öberg, a police spokesman in the eastern region.

It is unclear how the four ended up in the water.
