Former Trump lawyer: – He even wants to start a war


Now his former lawyer is warning that there is a risk of a violent change of power.

– Trump will do everything he can to stay in power. Includes manipulating voices says Michael Cohen in an interview with NBC News.

Next week comes the book “Unfair” where several new revelations about the current president of the United States are expected. The 53-year-old was Trump’s personal attorney for several years before being arrested.

The White House: “Invented”

The White House has already branded Cohen’s upcoming book fictitious, bogus and fictitious.

– He probably hopes that people will believe in him so that he can earn money from the book, it says in an official statement.

In 2018, Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for, among other things, tax evasion and fraud with election campaign funds. It is also said that he lied to Congress.

Cohen paid so-called secret money to a porn star to prevent her from speaking out about her alleged relationship with Trump.

– There will be no peaceful power shift

This summer, the 53-year-old lawyer was arrested again and returned to prison after violating the conditions for home incarceration. Cohen believes that the reason for the imprisonment is that he refused to sign a statement promising to maintain close cooperation with Trump.

Just two months before the election, Cohen’s new book may shed new light on how the president works, what assessments he makes, and why he acts the way he does.

– One of my biggest concerns is that there will be no peaceful power shift in 2020. Trump may even start a war, Cohen warns.

– Lies and deceivers

Former Donald Trump attorney and repairman Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison.  Now he's up to date with the book

Former Donald Trump attorney and repairman Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison. Now he is up to date with the book “Unfair” where several new revelations about the current president of the United States are expected. Photo: Scanpix / Reuters.

The last time Cohen wrote a book, there was a commotion. The Trump administration did everything possible to stop publication of the book. Cohen responded with a lawsuit because he felt deprived of his freedom of expression.

According to the lawsuit, Cohen, 53, who was Trump’s personal attorney for several years, describes in detail how the president behaves behind closed doors.

When he was called as a witness by Congress, he referred to his former client as a liar and deceiver.

Earlier this summer, a former senior Homeland Security official under Obama and George W. Bush, John Cohen, warned that Trump is in danger of making matters worse now that he chooses to enter federal power without local support.

– If citizens experience the intervention as a political game, it will weaken credibility and, therefore, also trust in the authorities. Can be fatal Cohen warns.

– Fears that Trump will incite violence

After Trump dispatched federal security forces to various cities in the United States, several experts have expressed concern that a constitutional crisis is brewing.

– The idea that federal authorities can come in and do whatever they want without cooperating with local authorities is completely extraordinary outside the context of a civil war, says Michael Dorf, professor of constitutional law at Cornell University.

According to the United States Constitution, there is no place for the presidential inauguration to take place after January 20.

– To be clear: I am not afraid that Trump will postpone the election. I fear Trump may incite violence, writes Walter Shaub, former director of the US Federal Agency for Government Ethics (OGE).

VIDEO: Pence: – You will not be safe in Joe Biden’s America.
