Former Eliteserien soccer player charged with fraud


Police believe the man profiled, who has played dozens of Elite Series matches, must have defrauded more than 80,000 from NAV.

He is now charged with fraud, a charge made by the Hordaland prosecutor and Sogn og Fjordane.

Both charges against the man, respectively for violations of articles 221 and 371 of the Penal Code, carry a fine or imprisonment of up to 2 years.

Still active as a player

The online newspaper has contacted man’s defender Bertil Christian Hast Rønnestad.

– At the moment I have no comment on it. I will first conduct a conference with the defendant and thoroughly review the case documents with him before a statement is given in the case, Rønnestad tells Nettavisen.

The online newspaper has tried to get police lawyer Farzad Izadi to speak. He is the prosecutor on the case, but at the time of writing, he has not responded to our inquiry.

The defendant, now in his 20s, has slowly but surely disappeared from the limelight in recent years.

He has not played at the highest level in Norway for several years, but has been associated with several clubs and is still active as a soccer player.

He had previously been a prominent elite league player and has entered several dozen matches in Norway’s top division.

– Scammed more than 80,000

The indictment, to which Nettavisen has been given access, establishes that in the period from September 2017 to December 2017 and from March 2018 to August 2018, it must have submitted electronic report cards to NAV that were not based in truthful information.

Therefore, you are accused of knowingly making an unjustified profit.

It is also in charge of providing written or oral information to public authorities.

“He did not meet the total number of hours for which he had actually received payment, as indicated on the report cards 71 ​​hours, despite the fact that the actual number of hours was 550.5 hours. In addition, he stated on the report cards of grades that you had no vacations / absences, even though you actually had vacations / absences. Incorrect information on report cards formed the basis for the automatic calculation of unemployment benefits and resulted in being unduly paid NOK 80,305 gross, resulting in a corresponding loss or risk of loss for the NAV » it is stated in the indictment.

The case is scheduled to reach the Bergen District Court in May 2021.


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