Forest fire in Kvinesdal out of control – VG


FOREST FIRE: Around 4pm, Agder police reported a forest fire in Kvinesdal in Oksefjell. Photo: Elisabeth Gyland

Police in Agder report a forest fire in Kvinesdal in Vest-Agder. They should have no control over fire.

Around 16 o’clock, the Agder police reported a forest fire in Kvinesdal in Oksefjell. According to the fire department, the fire was approximately one square mile at the time.

Police also report that they have no control over the fire and that the fire helicopter is working with the local fire department. There should be little development in the area.

According to Kvinesdal24, the fire was discovered by people who smoke so much. These must have notified the fire department.

Police suspect that sparks from a campfire on Friday night started the fire.

– Now we are going out. The fire is around a square mile, and we are in control of parts of the front. But we have no control over the eastern parts of the front, says interim leader Torbjørn Høyland.

In all, 25 to 30 firefighters are outside in addition to the helicopter, says more.

– The fire is fine in the moor, so there is little settlement there.

More forest fires

This afternoon there was also a forest fire at Kvellandsvannet in Hægeland in Agder. Here the fire brigade in Hægeland and Finland quickly took control, and on Saturday afternoon there was a fire suppression at the scene.

Bonfire suspects: Police suspect that sparks from a bonfire on Friday night started the forest fire in Kvinesdal in Oksefjell. Here, the wildfire helicopter is working on extinction. Photo: Elisabeth Gyland

According to, there are now forest fire risks in various parts of the country.

Most of them have received a yellow hazard warning, indicating that there is a forest fire hazard, while in some places there is an orange hazard warning, meaning that there is a major forest fire hazard.

In Agder Valley Township, there is now an orange hazard warning.

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