Foreigner, Ingjerd Schou | Specific questions about the Rød-Larsen case


When Ingjerd Schou (H) at KK 21.12. rejects my criticism of collusion in Norwegian foreign policy and the repeated lack of control by governments over spending that my analysis is characterized by “radical generalizations”, I would have expected it to be more specific.

By Øystein Steiro Sr., Security Policy Advisor. This is a discussion post. Express the views of the writer.

She believes that we should “be proud of Norwegian foreign policy”, without any other justification and ably avoids answering any of the specific questions I raised in my article 17.12. I think taxpayers deserve answers:

Read Ingjerd Schous’ post here: First of all, we should be proud of Norwegian foreign policy

1. How can Ine Eriksen Søreide allow Mona Juul to retain her security clearance and position as UN Ambassador after her husband got engaged in a honey pot factory in New York and received a personal loan from her owner of $ 130,000?

In contrast, she could explain why the above is possible while Norges Bank Lieutenant Governor Jon Nicolaysen had to go for the day because his wife did nothing wrong other than being Chinese.

3. Torbjørn Jagland and Kjell Magne Bondevik could, in the same jargon, answer how to send Rød-Larsen back to the post of UN Under-Secretary-General after repeated financial irregularities, first in 1996 and then in 1999.

4. Ine Eriksen Søreide, as current Minister of Foreign Affairs, should answer what has Norway actually received in exchange for the 113 million that have been given to IPI?

5. Should you also explain what we received in exchange for donating 640 million kronor to the Clinton Foundation?

Also read: Our Norwegian Private Foreign Service

Sadly it was Clinton Foundation and IP, You are not alone in traveling to Oslo by public transport to constantly refuel. In recent decades, Oslo has earned an international reputation as’the easy money capital ”. Some embassies are tasked with activating maximum assistance from Norway. This is not something to be “proud” of. In addition to managing junk money, it can have extremely unfortunate foreign policy consequences.

– Palestinian and Israeli comrades

And LO and the Labor Party should be able to exercise solidarity with their Palestinian and Israeli comrades, as long as it is covered by the union contingent and does not violate Norwegian law or international obligations.

The Labor Party, the Conservative Party, the Christian People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party must have all the international contacts they want, as long as they cover the expenses themselves. Norwegian denominations can do missions as much as they want, but they should be funded, as it is called in the text, with their own fragment and not with the emperor’s.

Solid and long-term strategies

The Norwegian state has no other “mission” from either the Norwegian community or the international community than to safeguard Norwegian interests and to make strong contributions to promote stability and predictability, especially in its own immediate area. Norwegian decisions can have an effect, and government investment can also help.

For that, we need to develop strong and long-term security policies, trade policies and trade policy strategies. This presupposes the reintroduction of good state and administrative practices based on an environment of serious competition, dedicated politicians, and competent government. We do not need politicians who spread taxpayer money to all kinds of NGOs and private organizations in the East and West at their own discretion.


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