Food Deals: How To Secure A Bargain On Groceries


There are some easy ways to cut your food budget.

Dinside has compiled three good and no less simple tips that ensure that expenses go down for you who think that an excessive part of the monthly budget goes to food and groceries.

Red traffic light for all cross-border trade

Red traffic light for all cross-border trade

# 1: Check the price per kilo

If the choice is between several items of the same variety, it is the price per kilo or per liter that reveals what is cheaper and where you get the most for your money.

It is usually written in a slightly smaller font next to the item’s unit price. This is the one to compare when choosing between multiple items.

# 2: buy items with a short shelf life

Some foods are sold at a discount in grocery stores as the expiration date approaches. Therefore, you can save a lot on buying food at a reduced price due to its short shelf life.

Some items, such as meat and fish, can be eaten on the same day. Other products may have a shelf life well beyond the expiration date, including dry and dairy products. Therefore, there is no danger in buying an item at half price and not using it within the expiration date.

Taste test: eight months after date

Taste test: eight months after date

# 3: use the food waste app

Earlier this fall, we tested the To Good To Go food waste app where you can also buy groceries from grocery stores.

We got very good value for money, especially at the Joker chain, when we sampled wonderful bags from three of the chains.

Regardless, you get groceries that cost more in total than you pay in total for a wonderful bag. For those who are not picky about what they eat, this is a great way to save money.

About the journalist:

Berit Njarga is a consumer journalist at Dinside / Dagbladet, with personal finance as one of her special fields.
