Fjord Line is shrinking even further – CEO leaves – E24


The company has reduced the number of employees by 300 since August.

Erik Johansen / NTB scanpix


It is the tough travel restrictions that weigh on the trucking company. On Tuesday, the company reports further cuts affecting 140 employees.

Thus, the company has seen its workforce reduced by 300 people since August.

– To ensure that Fjord Line emerges from the crisis as a strong and viable company, further measures must be taken. Unfortunately, this means a new round of downsizing. The management has had a good dialogue with unions and shop stewards, says board chairman Peter Frølich at Fjord Line in a statement.

CEO goes

The company also announces that the board has agreed with CEO Rickard Ternblom that he will step down as CEO of the company.

CEO Rickard Ternblom has ended up on the Fjord Line, the company confirms.

Fjærtoft / Fjord Line Force

– New times require new leadership forces. The pandemic has had dramatic consequences for the entire tourism industry. As good leaders and owners, we must not only deal with the crisis, we must also work to come out of it stronger, President Frølich says in the report.

Arne Roland will take over as CEO of the company until there is a replacement. Roland has experience with the Aker system and was announced as CEO of industrial company ØPD in March, but has now moved on.

Ternblom, who has run the company since 2015, says in the message that he and Fjordline are separated as friends.

– It has been a privilege to be part of the development of Fjord Line, and above all to collaborate with the employees who go to work every day with drive, responsibility, respect and commitment. We parted ways as friends and I wish the company all the best for years to come, says Ternblom.

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Fjord Line announces up to 200 layoffs and layoffs

Among the largest in Norway

In September, the company announced that up to 200 people would be laid off as a result of the crown crisis. Now the number is greater.

The company emphasized at the time that it was “very difficult to predict the duration of the crisis” and that, therefore, they would have to take further measures.

Travel restrictions that have emerged as a result of the corona pandemic mean that Fjord Line ships now sail with very few passengers, the shipping company writes.

Fjord Line is one of Norway’s largest ferry companies, sailing to Denmark and Sweden from Bergen, Stavanger and Langesund. According to the company, they have around 1.5 million travelers a year.

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