Five New Infected at Hammerfest – Expect More Positive Tests


This was stated by Mayor Marianne Sivertsen Næss (Labor Party) at a press conference on Saturday. So far, twelve people in Hammerfest Township have been diagnosed with corona infection.

– Ten of them are health personnel, one is hospitalized and one is a waiter. Since the last one is 119 in quarantine. 60 of them at Finnmark Hospital and 59 in the municipality, Næss said.

Næss stated that many responses are expected over the weekend, with the municipality expecting more to test positive. The infection situation also means that the municipality has chosen to introduce a two-meter rule. The national call is one meter.

“With two meters, there is less chance of contagion,” said the mayor.

Earlier in the day, it became clear that Hammerfest Hospital is receiving help from other hospitals in Helse nord to ensure operation and staffing after several employees become infected with corona or are in quarantine.

Hammerfest schools and kindergartens will remain open as planned. The municipality will hold a new press conference on Sunday at 2:00 p.m. on what the mayor describes as a pending situation.
