Five million Americans cannot vote:


According to a recent report by the Sentencing Project, only a quarter of the five million are actually incarcerated. More than 4 in 10 have served their sentences, but still refuse to vote.


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In several states in the United States, previously convicted voters are allowed to deny the right to vote. According to The New York Times, the specific provisions vary from state to state.

– It’s a big problem in the US, Says American TV 2 expert Eirik Bergesen.

The report, which was released Wednesday, claims that crime is occurring to a greater extent in the southern United States and therefore more “damaging” to Democrats.

Unlucky for the Democrats

According to the Sentencing Project report, a disproportionate number of those who cannot vote are African-American and form an important part of the democratic base. According to the report, 1.3 million of the total 5 million who cannot vote are African American.

– That so many cannot participate in political processes is closely related to the fact that the United States imprisons much more than Western democracies. One in three African Americans has been in prison. That says a lot, says Bergesen.

– Do you think this could be a decisive factor in the presidential election?

– That five million people cannot participate is violent. These are people who would otherwise vote Democrats. This doesn’t just apply to African Americans. We are also talking about Latin Americans. Of course it can affect elections, he says.

– This system has lasted a long time and has created the suspicion that Republicans are trying to limit people’s right to vote, continues Bergesen.

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Good news for Trump

Bergesen believes this is not good news for Joe Biden.

– Clearly it is an advantage for Donald Trump, he says.

The report also states that people who have completed their incarceration cannot vote.

– Violates American political values. Once you have served your sentence, you have the right to return to society and be valued as an ordinary citizen, Bergesen says.

– Being able to exercise your right to vote should be the cornerstone of any democracy. Politicians should make voting easy, but in the United States it is a cumbersome system and many citizens cannot vote. Unfortunately, the right to vote has become politicized, he continues.

The number of people not allowed to vote has quadrupled since 1976, Forbes writes. This after an increase in the country’s prison population.

In 2018, Florida voters approved a measure to reintroduce the right to vote upon completion of the sentence. Since then, the measure has been eliminated for those who have not paid fines and fees.

According to The New York Times, an estimated 1.1 million people do not have the right to vote.
