First corona case in Røros – linked to bus trip – VG


FIRST CASE: Røros has been diagnosed with his first case of coronavirus. The municipality has just over 5,500 inhabitants. Photo: Dag Fonbæk

A first case of the coronavirus has been detected in the municipality of Røros. The town of the same name was a stop for the bus with several crown-sick Rogaland retirees.

On Wednesday, the municipality informed VG that they had found close contact with the group of tourists who were in quarantine.

Mayor Isak Veierud Busch informs VG that this person tested negative and that he is another person who has been diagnosed with an infection.

– We cannot know 100 percent for sure, but we consider it very likely that the person has been in contact with this travel party, he says.

It states that the infection detection team has been implemented and is in the process of detecting infections. Currently, you do not have an overview of how many are in quarantine.

– We have good routines and procedures for this. Everything is going according to plan and we are in control, emphasizes the mayor.

It further claims that more than 30 people have been quarantined while awaiting test results.

The person is employed in Kaffestuggu, which in consultation with the municipal doctor and the infection control office has chosen to close the doors. The employee who is infected is in good shape, says the CEO of the company that owns Røros Hotell, Terje Lysholm.

– Now all employees are screened and we cooperate with the infection control office and the municipal doctor on when we reopen. The approximately eight people who are in close contact with the employee will be screened on Friday. The most important thing now is taking care of employees, says Lysholm.

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ON A TOUR IN NORWAY: Almost all the passengers who participated in the trip have been infected. Photo: Ingvar’s Travels

More than 100 in quarantine

Earlier this week, it became known that 34 of the 37 passengers who were part of the travel group are infected, and now a new survey by VG shows that infected retirees have also left the coronavirus on the road at stops.

At least 137 are in quarantine and nine people have been confirmed infected in the municipalities where the bus with several coronary retirees from Rogaland stopped.

The most affected are Kvam Herad and the municipality of Dovre, which each have three confirmed cases of infection.

The three confirmed infected in Kvam are employed at Thon Hotel Sandven, where the tour group lived from 20-21 September. 36 have been quarantined in the municipality. All the infected from Dovre worked at the Dombås hotel.

– We are now working with infection testing and infection tracking in parallel. We are trying to get an overview, but some are still unclear. We expect responses for at least 20 samples, and all of these at least 20 have been quarantined, Dovre Mayor Astrid Skomakerstuen Ruste tells VG.

Kvam Herad is waiting for answers to 72 tests. 36 of these are defined as close contacts who are in quarantine.

“We look forward to the answers throughout today and beyond tomorrow,” Mayor Torgeir Næss tells VG.

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Corona outbreak on bus trip: At least 100 in quarantine in various municipalities

PLACE OF INFECTION: The Sør-Rogaland bus crew slept one night at the Thon Hotel Sandven in Kvam. Three of the employees are now infected and the hotel is temporarily closed. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes


The 34 confirmed infected passengers are in isolation. Four passengers, the bus driver and two tour guides, who have not been diagnosed with the infection, are in quarantine.

Dozens are now waiting to be crowned or get answers to the tests they have conducted. Two of the municipalities have traced corona-infected residents to the bus with retirees, while several await test results.

In Førde, however, they appear to have escaped, says municipal chief physician Øystein Furnes. Nine hospital employees are in quarantine after detection of the hospital infection, while seven residents of the municipality are in quarantine after detection of the infection by the municipality. All the tests have been negative.

– It seems that we have been lucky and we have not had any infection. If there had been an infection, it should have arisen now. It is unlikely that someone is infected when they tested negative after day five all together, Furnes tells VG.

A total of 27 people have been quarantined after the bus party visited Åkrafjordtunet, Mayor Mette Heidi Bergsvåg Ekrheim in Etne municipality told VG. Six of them reside in Etne, while the remaining 21 live in another municipality.

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Unknown source of infection

It is not yet known how the infection got on board the bus.

The Vold Line of the National Institute of Public Health told VG on Wednesday that they will see the tips and guidance for buses after the bus outbreak.

The collection of GV information from each of the municipalities where the bus stopped was carried out on Saturday, September 26.

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