Fight back: – Puts words in my mouth


On Tuesday’s “The Debate” program on NRK, host Fredrik Solvang spoke about the bandage order in Oslo that applies to public transport, and in closed places in public places if you cannot stay one meter away.

In a question to the leader of the Oslo city council, Raymond Johansen, Solvang says that the National Institute of Public Health has not recommended the use of masks in recent months.

– FHI actually says there is a weak scientific basis for recommending face masks, says Solvang on the NRK program.

Health Minister Bent Høie reacted to this.

– It is very important for me to emphasize this, because people can have a different impression when they listen to you now. The National Institute of Public Health has recommended all the mouth bandages and the Oslo rules that now apply, Høie begins.

– They say there is a weak scientific basis. I spoke to them today, Solvang responds.

– Fredrik, you cannot create uncertainty about this. These are serious questions. The National Institute of Public Health is behind all the muzzle rules in Oslo. Dot, says Høie even more.

FHI is all about bandages

FHI is all about bandages

– It is important that I let you know

During Wednesday’s press conference, Dagbladet asks Høie questions about her reaction to Solvang’s critical questions.

– What was the reason you reacted the way you did?

– It wasn’t that Fredrik asked critical questions about the bandages, because that’s his job. What I reacted to was that the way he presented the discussions he had had with the National Institute of Public Health could give the impression that the National Institute of Public Health did not recommend the use of masks, explains Høie.

– How did you feel then?

– I felt that we are talking about important things, and then it is also correct, and important, that I notify it so that no one thinks that it is something that Raymond Johansen has invented, Høie tells Dagbladet.

EXPLAIN: On Tuesday October 27, Health Minister Bent Høie reprimanded NRK host Fredrik Solvang. Now explain why.
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He emphasizes that Solvang is correct that there is a variable knowledge base for the use of face masks and believes that the host asked the questions correctly.

– But what I reacted to was that he did it in such a way that those who saw the program might get the impression that the National Institute of Public Health did not agree with the advice on the use of bandages. It was important to me that it was not an impression.

– It is not responsible

However, Solvang disagrees that he created this impression.

– That simply is not true. I try not to create one impression or another, Solvang tells Dagbladet.

EU: vaccine in early April

EU: vaccine in early April

Solvang says it is the understanding of roles that he reacts to the most.

– It is your responsibility to create information about the orders that the government makes. Your job is to convince people that the policy you are following is correct. And it is my job as a journalist to question their policies. I am not a political actor, but I ask questions because FHI says there is a weak professional basis for the use of masks, says and continues:

– I am not responsible for the impression people leave after asking completely factual questions.

However, the host does not hide that he understands that Høie wanted to specify how the National Institute of Public Health views the use of face masks.

– But I could have done it without putting words in my mouth, or without affirming that I have said things that I do not have.
