FHI with new impact forecast: – These are staggering numbers


On Wednesday, the National Institute of Public Health released its new weekly report. There they presented a model that shows what will happen, if local and national measures do not work.

In Oslo, a social lockdown was introduced on Tuesday night. This means a complete stop of drinking, the closure of gyms, cinemas and swimming pools. Initially, these measures last three weeks.

– Violent numbers

FHI estimates, however, that if these measures are unsuccessful, up to 4,500 daily cases of infection can be seen in Norway.

The model also expects that between 50 and 100 people could be hospitalized every day.

In comparison, there have been between 400 and 600 daily cases recently, and on Wednesday this week there were 95 hospitalized in Norwegian hospitals.

– These are staggering numbers, and that is why I have shown the development in Belgium. They were in the same situation as us seven weeks ago. In seven weeks it will be Christmas, and if we do not succeed with these measures, we could enter a situation with a very escalating infection, says Health Minister Bent Høie (H) on TV 2.

– Question about the weather

During a press conference on Monday, Bent Høie drew a very bleak picture of the situation in the European city. Belgium is the worst affected country in Europe at the moment.

– Now 600 people are admitted to the hospital every day and 160 people die every day, Høie said.

The Health Minister fears that Christmas in Norway could be marked by deaths and hospitalizations, rather than rib dinners and Christmas presents.

– If we do not achieve control, it is only a matter of time before our hospitals kneel for the effort involved. It will affect not only Covid-19 patients, but also other groups of patients who need hospitals to operate as normally as possible, he says.

Clear message

Despite the fact that we are in the eighth month of measures, Bent Høie experiences that the population understands the seriousness of the situation.

– I am absolutely convinced that people take it seriously. The polls that are made show that there is great support among the measures, says the Minister of Health.

– What message do you have for people who think it is not so dangerous?

– Then one should see what is happening in the countries around us where the infection has increased dramatically and what consequences it has. Hospitals are filling up and that is affecting the sick. If you feel you are lacking proof that this is dangerous, look at the countries around us.
