FHI recommends face masks at home


On Thursday, the National Institute of Public Health updated its recommendations on the use of masks in the population. Now people in home isolation must wear masks in certain situations, while people in quarantine must wear masks on public transport to the quarantine site.

The document establishes that the National Institute of Public Health recommends that people who are in home isolation, that is, who have been detected or are probably infected by covid-19, use masks when they are closer to other members of the household than two meters, if the state of health allows it.

Alternatively, it is recommended that household members wear face masks when they are closer to the infected person than two meters.

IMPORTSMITTE: FHI’s weekly report shows an increase in imported infections. The director of the National Institute of Public Health, Camilla Stoltenberg, takes this seriously. Video: Andresen and Johansen / Dagbladet TV
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Quarantined nozzles

People arriving in Norway from a quarantined area are quarantined for ten days. People in this group can take public transport from the place of arrival to the quarantine place, but in this situation they must wear a mask. This applies to people over the age of twelve.

“By wearing a mask, the first and foremost thing is to protect those close to you from being infected by you, if you become infected with a respiratory virus without even knowing it. But at the same time it also reduces the risk of being infected by others.” writes the National Institute of Public Health in the document.

On Thursday, the city of Oslo introduced a ban on indoor bandages in a public place where distance cannot be kept, and inside restaurants in all situations where you do not sit at a table. Oslo also continued with the requirement for bandages in public transport where distance cannot be maintained.

EXPLAIN: On Tuesday October 27, Health Minister Bent Høie reprimanded NRK host Fredrik Solvang. Now explain why.
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Do not advise

The National Institute of Public Health is also very clear about which groups the use of face masks is discouraged.

“For medical and other reasons, not everyone can wear a mask. Children under the age of 12 to 13 are not recommended to wear a mask. For children under two years of age, the use of a mouthpiece is not recommended as it can impede free breathing or free airways, “writes FHI and continues:

“In addition, people who are unconscious or have a reduced state of consciousness, or who for other reasons cannot remove the mouthpiece themselves, should not wear masks. The same applies to people with pronounced respiratory problems.”
