Fear that Secret Service employees were exposed to unnecessary risk of infection – VG


BETHESDA / MARYLAND (VG) Donald Trump is criticized for exposing Secret Service employees to the risk of infection, after taking a walk to greet supporters who had turned up outside Walter Reed Hospital.

“It should never have happened,” said a Secret Service agent who works with the president and his family, according to CNN.

The anonymous Secret Service agent says the agents who were on the disk must now be quarantined.

– I mean – I don’t want to associate with them, continues the agent according to the news communicator.

US President Donald Trump has been admitted to the military hospital with COVID-19 since Friday night.

On Sunday, he appeared in a black car in front of the hospital, where he greeted several supporters present with bandages.

In a video posted on Twitter Minutes earlier, Trump said he would make a “surprise visit” to people outside the hospital.

– I think we will give a little surprise to the great patriots of the street. They have been out there a long time, they have Trump flags and they love our country, he said in the greeting video.

Check out the video here:

In the video, Trump says he has learned a lot about the coronavirus since he was infected.

– It was an interesting trip. I learned a lot about covid. And I learned it in real school, not “let’s read books” school. I get it and it’s very interesting, he says.

Did you bring it with you? The week everything went wrong

The White House reports that the president returned to the hospital after the short trip, writes CNN.

“The president took a short trip to greet his supporters outside and has now returned to the presidential suite inside Walter Reed,” spokesman Judd Deere told the channel, adding that Trump decided to run at the last second.

Doctor in the hospital: – This is crazy

The trip is criticized by the medical community, with several pointing out that the president may have endangered the people who protect him. In the car with Trump, there were at least two Secret Service employees, US media writes.

A doctor who works at the hospital where Trump is hospitalized, Dr. James P. Phillips, write on Twitter that the car used is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed to prevent chemical attack.

– The risk of covid-19 infection is as high as it can be, except during medical procedures. The irresponsibility is amazing. My thoughts go out to Secret Service employees who are forced to participate, Phillips writes.

The doctor is the usual chief of emergency medicine at George Washington University Emergency Medicine.

See an overview of Trump’s potential close contacts before he tested positive here.

Phillips writes that everyone who was in the car while driving “totally unnecessary” should be quarantined for 14 days.

– They can get sick. They may die. Commanding Trump to endanger his life in a theater. This is crazy, he writes.

– Can not say no

Another Secret Service agent CNN has spoken to is negative about the stunt, but at the same time expresses his understanding that those around the president agreed and says “you can’t say no.” A third agent is less critical.
– I have seen some of the news coverage today and it is ridiculous to say that the president is trying to crack down on his entourage, the agent says according to CNN.

This is not the first time the president has been criticized for the way he has addressed the risk of infection among Secret Service employees:

– Don’t worry about the Secret Service

On Saturday, The Washington Post wrote that Secret Service agents have expressed their anger and frustration on internal discussion boards after it emerged that Trump had been infected on Friday. According to the newspaper, several believe that the president’s actions have put them at risk of infection. Among other things, they should no longer have been tested after working in an election campaign event.

– This administration does not care about the Secret Service. It is clear, writes one of the agents in the forum, according to the newspaper.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement that all plans and procedures are being followed in accordance with CDC guidelines to prevent coronary heart disease.

“The President takes health and safety very seriously for himself and for all who work for him and the American people,” Deere said in the statement.

The director of the Department of Global Health at Yale University, Saad B. Omer, wrote on Twitter that wearing a mask is not a guarantee against infection.

– This is an individual with an active infection, close to two other people, in a vehicle with the windows closed. They perform a task that is optional. Nozzles help, but it is not an impenetrable barrier, he writes.

Omer notes that the purpose of infection tracking is not just to gather information, but also to be able to isolate and quarantine close contacts at an early stage to prevent further infections.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said during a press conference that all necessary precautions were taken before the trip to protect the president and those around him, writes CNN.

– The movements were authorized by the medical team as safe to perform, he says.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, transportation and transfer of patients should only be performed when medically necessary if coronary heart disease has been confirmed or suspected.

Trump Supporters: – Know What They’re Signing Up For

Supporters VG spoke to outside the hospital on Sunday disagreed with the criticism.

– The Secret Service knows what they sign up for when they work for the president, says a Trump supporter who stood outside the hospital and handed out face masks with “MAGA,” Make America Great Again, in print.

Ann Wass and her husband Jim also believe that it is reasonable that the president had employees in the car.

– Of course he will have the security people with him, says Ann Wass.

– He must have drivers and people with him inside the car, her husband Jim shoots him.

Trump supporters who had turned up outside the hospital were ecstatic after the president passed.

– When it happened, the president was all I managed to focus on. It was fantastic, Glen, a Trump supporter, tells VG.

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