Fear of disaster after the new Equinor fire


An Equinor plant in Tjeldbergodden in the municipality of Aure began to burn on Wednesday afternoon.

No one was injured and the fire took an hour to go out.

– An incident with the potential for a major accident occurs again. For example, spread to oxygen tanks in the air and gas plant will pose a significant explosion risk, Frederic Hauge, founder of Bellona, ​​tells Dagbladet.

Also earlier this fall, it started burning at an Equinor plant, then at the LNG plant in Melkøya. The fire at the turbine plant also started here.

“Very Concerned” About Equinor Poop Foam

See a pattern

Bellona’s report on that Melkøya fire claims cost savings and weak monitoring by the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority was the cause of the fire.

Hauge believes that a number of underlying causes are close to the two fires. It notes in particular the alleged cuts in maintenance tasks at all Equinor onshore facilities in recent years, as a result of austerity measures initiated by Equinor management.

– When such incidents occur close to each other, it indicates a systemic problem at Equinor. Research needs to be done on how Equinor performs maintenance, Hauge says.

He fears that a major and serious incident may be imminent at one of Equinor’s facilities, and he now demands an independent safety and maintenance investigation.

Reported back to police: - Totally unacceptable

Reported back to police: – Totally unacceptable

– Must get to the bottom

Frode Alfheim, leader of the LO Industri Energi union, describes the fire as a very serious incident.

Fortunately, no one was injured. Now we must get to the bottom of what has happened, so that this never happens again. Safety is the most important thing, says Alfheim.

Equinor promises research

Equinor says they will now investigate the cause of the fire.

– There were no personnel inside the building when the fire was reported. Facility personnel were quickly accounted for in connection with the evacuation, and no one was physically injured, Morten Eek at Equinor tells NTB.

According to Eek, it is too early to say anything about the extent of the damage.

– This will now be investigated further, he says.

If the skin is full: - State propaganda

If the skin is full: – State propaganda

Poop foam in Melkøya

Also recently, there have been negative disclosures related to Equinor.

Dagbladet reported last week that gut bacteria from the administration’s septic tank have been leaking into Equinor’s Melkøya plant for more than a year. This despite being announced in a report in 2019. Bellona has now reported the matter to the police.

Equinor says they are on the case, but the root of the gut bacteria has been hard to find.
