Fauci warns that Trump’s condition could worsen


Fauci, who is not involved in tracking Trump, tells CNN that the president is in an early stage of his illness and that it is important to follow him closely.

– It is so early in the course of the disease that it is no secret that, based on what we have learned from previous cases, it can achieve a reversal in the development of the disease, says Fauci.

The infection control expert explains that the development of the disease may worsen and says that Trump may “end in trouble.”

– It is unlikely that it will develop in this way, but it must be taken into account. He (Trump) knows it, the doctors know it, so they need to pay close attention to it. Now they will try to prevent this from happening from inside the White House, rather than from inside a hospital.

PRINTED: President Donald Trump was released from the hospital on the night of Tuesday, October 6, but when he arrived at the White House, he removed his mask. Video: AP
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According to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), people infected with a moderate course after four to seven days may experience moderate symptoms, before someone develops pneumonia with rapid breathing, worsening cough, and increased fever. Some may require hospitalization, and x-ray examination of the lungs may show changes that indicate viral pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrate).

People with a severe course may experience the same development, but may also need intensive treatment.

– You’re not out of it until several days have passed and you’re still fine, says Fauci.

However, he adds that Trump’s shape “certainly looks promising.”

Statement from Doctor Trump: - Sad

Statement from Doctor Trump: – Sad

Trump was released from Walter Reed Military Hospital on Tuesday night, where he has been hospitalized with COVID-19 for three days. At 12:55 a.m. he landed with the Marine One presidential helicopter in front of the White House. Then he removed his handkerchief and greeted the American people before walking through the front door.

It is unclear how long Trump will be in quarantine in the White House. His doctor, Sean Conley, said Monday morning that he still has the infection, and infection control rules dictate that he must be quarantined for ten days.

It is also unclear how seriously ill he has been. However, the fact that you had to receive oxygen due to a sudden drop in oxygen saturation and a high fever indicates that it was severe. Conley said he’s not completely out of the woods for a week.
