Fauci to warn of “unnecessary deaths” if the United States opens too quickly – VG


Anthony Fauci, the United States’ leading infectious disease expert, testified in the Senate on Tuesday. He will warn against premature reopening. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP / NTB scanpix

Anthony Fauci, the United States’ leading infectious disease expert, will strongly warn against too quickly reopening when he testifies in the Senate on Tuesday.

Fauci, considered the government’s credible man in the fight against the coronavirus, is one of four medical experts who testified Tuesday. This is the first time since March that Fauci is testifying in the Senate, and the hearing will be digital.

“The most important message I’m going to give to the Senate committee tomorrow is the danger of prematurely reopening the community,” Fauci wrote in an email to the New York Times on Monday night, US time.

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He writes that if one reopens prematurely without taking the necessary precautions, the country will risk several new outbreaks across the country.

“This will not only result in unnecessary suffering and death, but will actually slow us down in our attempt to return to normal,” Fauci writes.

The United States has recorded more than 1.3 million cases of infection and more than 80,000 coronary deaths.

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