Farmen, Juks | Another dishwashing meeting in “Farmen”:


– The entire population of Norway has hated me, says “Farmen” participant Daniel Viem Årdal to Nettavisen.

He begins to climb inside the “Farmen” farm, and with that the intrigue also begins.

During Wednesday’s episode, some of the participants became very heated after someone allegedly stole sugar, nuts, and hot dogs. The nasking assumption puts the entire weekly mission into play.

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Everything came to a head when it turned out that a participant must have hidden 50 grams of tobacco. At least it peaked for Raymond Røskeland, who shoots Daniel Viem Årdal and Inger Cecilie Grønnerød.

Click the pic to enlarge.  FLY CURSED: Raymond Røskeland rages during Wednesday's episode of

FLY CURSED: Raymond Røskeland is enraged during Wednesday’s episode of “The Farm” after discovering that someone had hidden tobacco without him knowing.
Photo: TV 2

It all ends in an ugly dishwashing meeting in which Inger Cecilie and Daniel accuse each other, followed by a thunderous speech from Raymond threatening Inger Cecilie into saying what he believes to be the truth.

The problem, however, is that no one will admit who stole one or the other inside the farm. Even today the truth has not come to light.

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– Norway has made me hate

Daniel Viem Årdal thinks it is obvious who is wondering who is inside the farm.

He himself believes that he has played an honest and fair game, but that portraying him on television means that viewers may have a slightly different impression of him.

Click the pic to enlarge.  BLAME EACH OTHER: Inger Cecilie and Daniel blamed each other after the tobacco disappeared.  No one has laid the cards on the table yet.

BLAME EACH OTHER: Inger Cecilie and Daniel blamed each other after the tobacco disappeared. No one has laid the cards on the table yet.
Photo: TV 2

– The entire population of Norway has hated me. Viewers can only see a fraction of everything that happens inside the courtyard, and what I often show is when something negative happens around me, Daniel tells Nettavisen.

He still claims that it had nothing to do with the fact that the sugar, nuts, sausages or tobacco were hidden or disappeared from the farm.

– Everything I have done I have been responsible within the courtyard. I have taken the camera crew with me for what I have done and I have admitted it to the viewers. What happens in this episode I have nothing to do, continues.

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Listen to the plan

However, Daniel has admitted that he was involved in tobacco handling when he entered the farm, as he and Inger Cecilie sorted the food they had received when the challengers entered the farm. However, he denies having hidden tobacco from the other participants.

He claims that Inger Cecilie was responsible for this.

– However, I have not taken sugar or hid tobacco, Inger Cecilie tells Nettavisen.

Since some of the participants broke infection control rules and escaped from the farm, she has claimed that Daniel has an agenda against her.

– I think he initially tried to make it look like I was the one who did it, so that he wasn’t chosen as the first champion, she says.

Also read: full clinch between “Farm” participants: they created a twisted interpretation of me

Inger Cecilie claims that she was the first to report that the tobacco had been hidden from the other participants, but later this turned into the fact that she had hidden it.

– After I was accused of stealing the blood sausage, I had the need to clean the air. Therefore, I told Sindre that the tobacco was hidden in the kitchen and that I had witnessed it happen. She then ran to the other participants to find out who it was, but then it turned out that I was the one who did it, Inger Cecilie tells Nettavisen.

– At first I didn’t understand that it was me that Raymond yelled at, because he hadn’t hidden anything. Why should I do that? When I was a farmer I gave all the tobacco to Raymond, why every day should I suddenly hide it now ?, Inger Cecilie wonders.

Click the pic to enlarge.  IT WAS CLOSED: Raymond Røskeland attacked Inger Cecilie after she hid the tobacco.  According to Inger Cecilie, it's Raymond who comes out badly from that.

IT WAS CLOSED: Raymond Røskeland attacked Inger Cecilie after she hid the tobacco. According to Inger Cecilie, it is Raymond who goes wrong.
Photo: TV 2

Still convinced

Raymond Røskeland, who stood up and yelled at Inger Cecilie, explains the strong reaction this way: He claimed to know that it was Inger Cecilie who lied around the table where the dishwashing meeting took place.

– I think he was in his place. There were several of the other participants who didn’t think it was okay of me, but I knew it was Inger Cecilie who had hidden the tobacco and wanted to give her a chance to put all the cards on the table, Raymond tells Nettavisen.

He still thinks Inger Cecilie is behind this.

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– Daniel took the cameras out of everything he did out of stupidity and admitted it to the spectators. If he had, he would have appeared on television, says Raymond and thinks it’s sad that no one ever admitted or presented the things that were done without the cameras present.

– This is just the beginning

Inger Cecilie tells Nettavisen that she was not approached or bothered by Raymond’s outbreak.

– It was very scary, but he was not sad or hurt. I think it’s Raymond who comes out of this bad luck, no one else. And I think it is peculiar that he prefers Daniel with whom he has been arguing from day one and not me, who has supported him from day one, she says.

The intrigues that have taken place on the farm this week have created even more headaches for the great farmer Kjetil Kirk. However, it promises that there is more intrigue awaiting viewers.

– The production is very boring

– If viewers think that there has been a lot of drama inside the farm so far, I can reveal so much that it will get worse. There is a full kindergarten there at some point, Kjetil reveals to Nettavisen.

Kirk claims the production had to hold a dishwashing meeting with participants after a series of incidents where sabotage was carried out without cameras being present.

Also read: “The Farm” -Karianne denies Northug rumors

– Many strange things were done there at one point, and there are still many things that are not clear. Even after the recording, no one has admitted to doing things, nor does it appear on television since it was done without the cameras present.

According to Kirk, the production began to tire of the contestants inventing antics without a camera present, because it created gaps in the story that is presented on television.

– The production got tired at the end, he says.

– It has never been a settlement

“Farmen” press officer Alex Iversen says it is true that the production did not want the participants to hide anything from the production.

However, he denies that any kind of meeting or dishwashing arrangement was held with the participants.

– We can only tell the stories that the participants bring us. Participants are free to keep secrets from each other, but we don’t want them to hide things from the production. It is a prerequisite for us to be able to tell the complete and correct story about what is happening on the farm. If someone doesn’t take us with them, it can create rifts in the story, leading viewers to be left with unanswered questions, Iversen tells Nettavisen and continues:

– There was never an agreement. This is a challenge that we always have. Most of the people involved in “The Farm” have never been in a reality production before, and we know from experience that it can be intuitively difficult to understand how important it is not to keep things hidden. Therefore, we regularly remind participants that the best stories are always the ones they tell us from beginning to end.

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