Extreme weather in the north continues unabated – VG


Extreme weather “Frank” is about to peak in Troms: – The storm continues unabated in the morning, says the meteorologist on duty.


Jon Austerheim of the Tromsø Meteorological Institute says the extreme forecast holds for vulnerable locations in Nord-Helgeland, Salten, Ofoten and Troms.

– There will be no less wind in Nordland than in Troms. The storm subsides a bit during the day, but it will also be very windy on Saturday. This storm is very durable, says meteorologist Jon Austerheim.

Extreme warning means there is danger to life and health. Meteorologists warn against going outdoors. More than 7,000 households are without electricity, mountain passes are closed, ferries are canceled.

The center of the storm is over southern Norway, but it is the strong east wind and low temperatures that create the extreme weather in the north.

Average wind speed of 33.1 meters per second is measured at Fagernesfjellet near Narvik. That is the strength of the hurricane. At Sandhornøya in Gildeskål in Nordland, the gusts have been up to 43.7 m / s.

The east wind blows into the shelter

– The strong medium wind in the border areas has a kind of wave effect that beats down on the lee side, but differs from valley to valley and fjord to fjord, explains Storm Geo meteorologist Ina Ynnesdal.

She says the east wind in Nordland causes a lot of gusts.

– The gust of wind is the most dangerous. It brings roofs and scaffolding, trees and trampolines and it’s very unpredictable, says Ynnesdal.

Have tips or photos from the storm? Get in touch with VG journalists here.

On Friday morning, 277 households were without power in Gildeskål, Lurøy and Rødøy and 80 in Vevelstad in Nordland. At Dyrøy in Troms, 140 are affected by a power outage.

Elvia has about 3,600 subscribers without power, the majority in Trysil and Elverum and in the North Inland. Agder Energi reports that 3,400 customers in the Sirdal area are without power, many of them cabins.

The warning indicates that there can be gusts of between 35 and 50 meters per second. Tromsø has so far had a peak of 37m / s, while gusts of 47m / s were recorded at Sandnessjøen in Nordland on Thursday.

The strongest wind is expected in the inner part of Troms, but also along the coast it will be strong.

– But they are used to winding there. Less wind is needed before it can be called extreme inland. This is because inland infrastructure, forests and buildings are more likely to be damaged, says Austerheim.

At various stations, there was wind of up to 40 meters per second Thursday night in the gusts. These include Sandnessjøen, Svolvær, and Majavatnet.

WINDCAST: The fire and rescue service in Namsos secures the roof of a house in Ramsvikskogen where the roof sheets have come loose. Photo: Namsos Fire Department

During the night, the Troms police have received no reports of serious incidents related to “Frank”. But the wind has still bit well:

– E6 is closed in Fossbakken because the roof tiles of the closed inn have come loose and are flying towards the road, they wrote on Twitter at around 6:45 on Friday morning.

Some billboards have come off and the tiles of a single family home were about to be blown away by the wind.

– We received a series of messages about roofs and annexes that have been blown away. The roof of a barn is also about to fall, Nordland police operations chief Mari Lillestø tells VG at 5am on Friday.

Closed roads and mountain passes

Extreme weather creates big problems for traffic in Trøndelag and Nordland.

The E6 over Saltfjellet is expected to be closed until Friday afternoon, reports the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. At 05:00 on Friday, both fields of the E6 in Nordkilsvingen between Ulvsvåg and Bognes are closed because the trees have crossed the road. The E6 in Mjåvatnet between Mosjøen and Mo i Rana is also closed.

WARNING: A hurricane with gusts of up to 50 seconds was reported in Helgeland on Thursday. Here from the port of Sandnessjøen. Photograph: Therese Jægtvik / Helgelands Blad

Other closed roads are:

  • E10 Bjørnefjell: closed until Friday at 18:00
  • E12 Umbukta: closed until Friday at 18:00
  • Rv77 Graddis – closed until Friday at 18:00

No flights canceled in advance

The Rødøybassenget, Drag-Kjøpsvik and Storstein-Nikkeby-Lauksundskardet ferry connections have been canceled. The same goes for several high-speed boat routes, says Torghatten Nord.

Widerøe canceled 44 departures in northern Norway on Thursday, due to strong gusts, turbulence and strong winds. In the morning hours of Friday, the company has challenges in Helgeland and Lofoten.

– Today we have not canceled in advance, but we will try to fly. Locally, there are bags in the wind that allow us to hurry up and take off quickly again, says Widerøe communications manager Catharina Solli on Friday morning.

Neither Norwegian nor SAS have planned cancellations on Friday morning.

Truck flew off the road

Trøndelag police moved to Namsos on Thursday, when the roof of a residential house was about to explode.

– Shingles fly through the air. People in the area are asked to stay indoors until the situation is under control, police write.

The night before Friday, the Trøndelag police had to help a truck that was having problems with the wind in Namsosbrua.

Early Thursday, a truck flew off the highway north of Mosjøen. Emergency services reported that the driver appeared unharmed after the accident on the E6 at Mjåvatnet in Vefsn.

Rognan Primary School at Saltdal in Nordland sent students home on Thursday, due to extreme weather, writes Saltenposten. Fauske and Saltdal High School are closed on Fridays.

High risk of frostbite

The wind will only lie from Friday night. Variations in the strength of the wind will be large. In addition, the temperature in exposed places could drop to 10-15 degrees below zero.

– Storms and low temperatures could pose challenges for power supply, great danger of freezing and danger of moderate to severe icing on ships, meteorologists write with a direction in the northern areas.

PINNEVED: Storm Ylva in 2017 tore apart this operational building at Nesna in Nordland. Photograph: Sørensen, Hans Petter / NTB

The institute encourages preparing the home for a potentially longer blackout.

– Stay at home

At Saltfjellet between Bodø and Mo i Rana, an eastern storm with locally very strong gusts of 30-40 m / s is expected from this afternoon.

In Nordland, emergency services have asked people to secure loose items.

– Thursday and Friday is not the time to go to the mountains or take a boat trip. Stay home until the storm passes, says Nordland Police Chief Heidi Kløkstad in a message from the State Administrator.

Lots of rain in the south

Hazard warnings are yellow from Rogaland to Finnmark. Snowdrifts are expected in the mountains of southern Norway.

– There will also be a lot of weather in the south, says meteorologist Beathe Tveita of StormGeo.

Much of western Norway receives storms and a lot of precipitation. South of Rogaland and west of Agder, there can be between 60 and 80 mm of precipitation. Along the entire coast, even light winds are expected.

– There will be a lot of precipitation throughout southern Norway. The people of Østafjells will notice the storm with snow and gales from the south and strong winds in the Oslo fjord. Trøndelag is also very vulnerable, says Tveita.
