Extend a mask recommendation for a week – VG


The spokesman’s recommendation on public transport in Oslo will be extended for another week.

This is confirmed by Health Minister Bent Høie in a press conference on Friday.

– In Oslo, the number of new cases of infection remains high. Therefore, we have chosen to extend the recommendation of bandages on public transport in and to and from the municipality of Oslo for one more week, Høie said.

The recommendation still applies when it is difficult to keep one meter away from others.

FHI still describes the infection situation in Norway as stable, with between 300 and 350 new cases per week. This is stated by the subject director Frode Forland at FHI, who recalls that distance is still more effective.

– Keeping your distance is the most effective way to reduce infection. It reduces the infection by around 80 percent, while masks can be around 40 percent, Forland says.

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One of four with mask

The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) has counted how many people have worn face masks in Oslo. They found that about one in four wore face masks, Aftenposten writes.

The newspaper further writes that preliminary census results show that 22 percent of travelers wore face masks overall and 26 percent wore masks during peak traffic hours.

At the same time, FHI found that during rush hours it was possible for 90% of commuters to keep their distance from others. At other times, this was possible for 95 percent, the newspaper writes.

Put this on? Dr. Harald Dobloug shows how to properly use a mask:

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New regions turn yellow: opens for more Swedish destinations “harryhandel”

New travel tip: Mæland with the index finger

On Thursday, the government declared that six Swedish regions go from red to yellow on the map. Furthermore, Zealand in Denmark and Cyprus will be yellow from Saturday this week.

However, Justice Minister Monica Mæland advises Norwegians not to engage in Swedish trade.

– For those who want to cross the border in commerce: it is still recommended to avoid traveling abroad that is not strictly necessary. There are no green areas, Justice Minister Monica Mæland said at Friday’s press conference.

– When it comes to those considering attending bigger parties this weekend, use common sense. You can have fun without risking your life and health, continues Mæland.

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In addition to masks and travel tips, the government says it will cover all necessary costs in municipalities related to testing, isolation, tracing, and quarantine.

– Municipalities should not be left alone with this responsibility. We should try to prevent this from affecting other important services, so that pandemic services do not affect others that need the municipality’s help, Høie says.

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