Event agency: new crown measures in practice imply event ban


On Monday, both the government and the city of Oslo introduced a series of new stricter crown measures, including a maximum limit of 20 people for indoor events without permanent seats in the capital. The new measures will last until early December.

– This creates more fear of reserving anything, no matter how big or small, and that is what we see as problematic. There is a fear in the market of having events, so it is not reserved, says leader Janette Haukland of the Kampanje Association of Sponsors and Events.

After the pandemic hit Norway, the events industry had a sales failure of between 80 and 90 percent, according to Haukland.

Among the new measures of the crown is also the prohibition of having more than 50 people at company parties. The measures are in effect an event ban, says general manager Jens Nesse at the All-In event agency.

– When it has been allowed with 200, the business community says the top 50, because it is well within the regulations. When they now toughen regulations even more, it means there will be very few commercial events taking place on this side of Christmas, says Nesse.
