Estonia: – – Sweden lied


Yesterday it was announced that the documentary makers have found a four-meter-high hole in the side of the ferry “Estonia”.

852 people lost their lives when the ferry sank in 1994.

Before the premiere of the documentary, made by Monster and Dplay, Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas, Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven had a meeting, Expressen writes today.

TEAR: Here, the codend of the ferry is shown in an animated image. Photo: DPLAY
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Requires new revision

Here, the three heads of state discussed the new information about what may have caused the sinking of Estonia. It was also stated here that the Estonian Prime Minister demands that a new investigation be carried out into the shipwreck.

– The truth must come to light, says Rats according to Expressen.

– Our clear message is that we do not know anything until we have done a thorough technical investigation of the wreck, says Ratas to Yle.

According to the Prime Minister, Estonia will be responsible for the new survey, which will include underwater surveys.

REQUIRES INVESTIGATION: Based on new information about the hole in the side of the Estonia ferry, Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas is now demanding that a new investigation be carried out into the shipwreck, in which 852 people lost their lives. File Photo: Frederick Florin / AFP / NTB
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Estonia was sailing under the Estonian flag when the accident occurred in 1994. 501 of the 852 passengers who lost their lives in the “Estonia” tragedy were Swedes. Six were Norwegians.

Although the AIBN report was critical of the shipyard, no one was responsible for the loss of so many lives.

The AIBN concluded that the wreck was due to a failure that caused the forward door to break and the ferry to quickly fill with water.

Sweden says lying

Margus Kurm, who led the Estonian portion of the investigation after the shipwreck, has previously criticized the AIBN report.

Now he says he believes Estonia collided with a Swedish submarine, writes Expressen, and also says that according to Eesti Päevaleht that he believes that Sweden has hidden it.

– Sweden lied to our faces, says Kurm.

According to Yle, however, he emphasizes that he cannot be one hundred percent sure of the claim:

– The damage is underwater, and none of those rescued have spoken of having seen a boat, he says.

When he led the Estonian part of the investigations in the years 2005-2009, he did not have the opportunity to investigate the shipwreck itself, as a result of the funeral pact.

852 DEAD: Here, parts of “Estonia” rise up after the 1994 shipwreck. Photo: Jaakko Aiikainen / Lehtikuva / NTB
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Enn Tupp, who was Estonia’s defense minister at the time Estonia sank, shares the view that the ship may have collided with a submarine, but does not target Sweden, according to Yle.

Protected cemetery

Until now, no one has been in the wreck since Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Russia and the UK signed the grave peace pact.

The agreement declares Estonia a protected cemetery and prohibits all diving in the wreck, which is in international waters.

The documentary makers behind the new series have chosen to defy the deal and have used an underwater drone to film the wreck. One of the sequences in the series “Estonia: the find that changes everything” shows the large indentation in the hull, where you can see what is probably a cockpit.
