Espen Rostrup Nakstad: – Nakstad on the vaccine error


Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad at the Norwegian Health Directorate responds to questions from Dagbladet readers about the coronavirus this morning.

See the transmission at the top of the box.

One reader wondered:

– What do you think of the fact that a mistake can give us an effective vaccine?

– It seems to me that you have seen that by giving a low dose the first time you get a better effect overall when you have received the second dose. And the explanation may be that this carrier virus, which is an innocent cold virus that has these “crown labels”, which is the basis of this vaccine, causes the body to develop immunity. Not only against these desired “labels”, but also against the carrier virus itself.

ANSWERS ABOUT CHRISTMAS: Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad at the Norwegian Health Directorate responded to questions from Dagbladet readers about the coronavirus this morning.
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– If you receive a high dose for the first time, your immunity may fight the second dose of the vaccine. That may be what happened. In that case, it will be more beneficial to give a lower dose the first time.

– How does it affect people’s confidence in a vaccine when good results come from an error?

– I don’t think it’s due to a mistake. I think it was a bit of a coincidence, where he saw that where a smaller first dose was set, a better effect was seen.

– When you get that knowledge, it is important to re-map it and do new tests to see the effect. This is very common and actually quite safe.

– I think he’s trustworthy, more than that we haven’t heard of him.

– Can such results be trusted?

– Yes, we can at least trust the results that are implemented when testing with a lower first dose and in different age groups.

WATCH OUT: Raymond Johansen extended the crown measures in Oslo until December 14.
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Family reunion at Romerike

– What do you think about violations of infection control rules, like when people were fined NOK 165,000 in Romerike?

– I think it is important that everyone knows the rules, and is very strict at events in public and private. Everyone should become familiar with these rules, and they may miss them, and so it is important that the municipality follow up. And the police, to some extent, in case of serious violations, have imposed fines on him.

– The most important thing is that people follow the rules, that’s what gives effect. The rules, which are quite complicated, become easier to follow over time. Most people who live in big cities have gotten used to these extra rules and measures.

This is life after the vaccine

This is life after the vaccine

Christmas party

– Can you travel out of Oslo for Christmas dinner?

– Now there are some general rules that say you should travel as little as possible, avoid unnecessary trips and have as little contact as possible with others. I think that having a Christmas table to a modest degree with those that you would otherwise work with every day, does not involve any great risk, says Nakstad.

And continues:

– But meeting friends and acquaintances that you do not usually see in private homes is not something we recommend. It is equivalent to partying. If you are going to meet people in another way, you need to limit the number, meet as few as possible, keep a good distance, and make sure everyone is healthy.

– Is there a difference between meetings in Oslo and outside of Oslo?

– Yes, there are additional rules in urban regions where there is a lot of infection. Oslo and many of the neighboring municipalities have introduced additional measures.

DEATH: Twelve deaths per corona were reported last week, according to FHI. – This is the highest number since the end of April, says Public Health Director Camilla Stoltenberg. Photo: NTB
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Crown-related deaths

– How many of the preliminary corona-related deaths are known to have been caused by the virus and nothing else?

– This is a good question, because very old people are in poor health, and there are many factors that contribute to losing their lives if they become infected with an infection. What one thinks is that if what makes you die that day is a crown, then it is registered as a crown death.

– It is not entirely possible to always separate. If he hadn’t had another illness, he might have survived the crown. But the point is, you wouldn’t have lost your life at that point if you hadn’t been infected with corona.

Job canceled - rent the winning booth

Job canceled – rent the winning booth

Cabin in sweden

– Can I cross the border into Sweden to check the cabin without being quarantined?

– There is an exception in the covid-19 regulation for the necessary maintenance and inspection of the cabins, so if the water pipes are about to burst, you must shut off the main water, make repairs or other things, then you can go directly to the cabin and vice versa, without ending up in quarantine. But what is not possible according to the regulations is to spend the night or holidays there.

– Do you have to wash the cloth handkerchiefs if you have only used them for a few minutes?

– No, you don’t need it. Disposable face masks are something else, they are made to be used once and often get a little wet, which means that the filtration ability suffers a bit. But cloth bandages are made to last longer, they can be washed from time to time, but while they are dry they can be used multiple times. But it’s probably a good idea to have several of them, so you can change a bit. And then it is advisable to wash them after you have used them for a while.

Decreasing trend of infection

At midnight, 34,748 corona-infected people were registered in this country, a daily increase of 480. According to VG, the infection trend in this country is now decreasing.

The number of infections appears in the preliminary summary of the national infectious disease notification system (MSIS).

As of midnight Thursday night, 34,268 people were infected with corona. Therefore, the number from the night to Friday is 480 higher.

MANAGE: In this model you will see how to stop corona infection. Manufactured by Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. An idea from Dagens Nyheter.
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Based on the VG calculation of the trend, Norway is shown, for the first time since a single day on August 19, to have a downward trend of infection.

– In recent weeks, a series of infection control measures have been implemented, both at the national level and in the largest cities. This has obviously had an effect, assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad tells the newspaper.

The numbers will keep dropping if everyone continues to follow infection control rules, he believes. At the same time, the call is to be careful.

– The situation is still very vulnerable. It isn’t long before the arrows are pointing up again, says Nakstad.

Draw a conclusion

Draw a conclusion

So far, just over 2.2 million people have been tested for the coronavirus in this country.

123 corona patients were hospitalized Thursday. Seven more than the day before.

A total of 316 people infected with the crown have died in Norway since March, preliminary figures show. It is not always possible to establish whether patients have died from or with COVID-19.

63.6 percent of all deaths have reached the age of 80. In the age group under 50 years, eight deaths have been reported in Norway.
