Espen Nakstad: – WATCH LIVE:


Deputy Minister of Health Espen Rostrup Nakstad now answers readers’ questions about the coronavirus at 10.40.

The case is continually updated.

You can still submit questions to Nakstad on the Dagbladet Facebook page.

– Can you dance together a whole night of dancing, if you come from different homes, where you hold hands, a whole night?

– Good question. The rule is that you should be at least one meter away from people you don’t live with, also on the dance floor. Dancing with the people you live with or your girlfriend is fine, of course.

– What do you think is an optimal day to avoid infections at this time?

– Now it is very important that we limit the number of people with whom we have contact. In your spare time, it is important not to be with too many people and you should limit the number of people you meet.

– I am afraid of infecting my grandmother, how can I avoid infecting others?

– It is to be at home when you are sick yourself, keep your distance and also – if you are worried about visiting grandmother – you can put on a mask.

– If I have a respiratory infection and I’m a bit of a brat, I’m going to get tested and I get a negative test. How should I deal with it? Many will think then, I have received a negative test and I have no crown. Then I can go to work, go to a birthday party, or have ten beers at a local nightclub. Is that so wise?

– No, it’s not wise. That is why we say that you should be home if you are sick. The reason this is a problem is that of all those tested, most have colds. 98 percent do not have coronavirus, but something else. The less cold you spread, the less stress there will be on the test system.

– Does Nakstad suffer from coronavirus?

– Like everyone else, I am very saddened by this pandemic and wish I was done with this now. But we are not, sadly. But it becomes easier to live in a pandemic when we all contribute. It’s a difficult year, but we support each other and we get through it together, says Nakstad, who also says it’s important that we be careful in the weeks ahead.

– The registered infection has increased, but also the tests. Could this mean that the dark numbers used to be large?

– It is very true that the dark numbers were large in March. This means that perhaps only one in ten who were ill in March were examined. Now we think we catch about half of those who are really sick. The actual number in March was probably 4-5 times higher. We’re not in the same situation where we were at our worst in March, but it can go fast if we don’t tune in properly now.

Registration medium

At midnight, 19,563 people infected with corona were registered in this country, preliminary figures show. The increase of 495 is the highest during the pandemic.

In the last two days, the increase is 898 reported cases, according to figures from the National Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS).

The past four days have seen increases that are above the previous peak of March 24, when 313 new cases were recorded in one day, according to NTB.

- You must be prepared for the virus change.

– You must be prepared for the virus change.

Almost a doubling

A week ago, the daily increase was 270 reported cases.

On average, it takes one to two days from when a test response is available until it is registered with MSIS. Therefore, the figures can give a misleading picture of the infection situation in recent days, since it does not appear when the sample has been taken, only when it has been registered.

47 people receive treatment in the hospital for covid-19 disease. On Thursday 281 deaths were recorded as a result of the disease.

- Winter can get bad

– Winter can get bad

Sharpened in Drammen

Earlier this week, both the government and the municipality of Oslo announced further reinforced crown measures. On Thursday, Drammen did the same.

– Now it’s serious, Drammen Mayor Monica Myrvold Berg (Labor Party) said at a press conference.

In one day, 28 new cases of contagion have been registered in the municipality, the highest number since the outbreak began.

Starting Friday at 12 noon, Drammen residents are advised not to have social contact with more than ten people for a week, other than household members and kindergarten and elementary school cohorts. Therefore, Drammen follows Oslo.
