Espen Nakstad, Coronavirus | Nakstad sees signs of flattening


Espen Rostrup Nakstad believes that infection figures for the past few days indicate that the measures are working. But he’s still not sure if it will last.

On Saturday, 338 new corona infections were recorded in Norway, according to preliminary figures from the National Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS). That’s 236 less than Friday and 180 less than the same day a week ago.

In Oslo, 111 new infections were reported, 43 less than on Friday and 66 less than on Saturday a week ago.

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Deputy Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad at the Norwegian Health Directorate expresses cautious optimism when asked by NTB for comment on development.

– Today’s figures confirm the trend we have seen with a flattening, says Nakstad.

– But it is still too early to say if it will continue and will continue until next week.

I think the measures have an effect

Nakstad cautions against putting too much emphasis on individual day figures, as they can fluctuate.

– We know that the reported figures are not always distributed on the sampling date, and that there may be some accumulations from one day to the next, especially on weekends. Therefore, we must look at the weekly figures as a whole to be completely sure if the flattening can be confirmed and if it can start to decline in some municipalities, he explains.

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However, the high-profile health spike believes the flattening we see now likely would not have occurred without the measures that have been put in place.

– The question is whether the effect of the measures not only contributes to a flattening, but ultimately also contributes to actually reducing the infection. We need a few more days to be able to say something true about it.


The National Institute of Public Health writes in its previous weekly report that the number of reported infection cases was roughly unchanged from week 45 to week 46.

If you compare the last seven days with the previous seven days, the trend is slightly downward.

The hope of health authorities has been that the strict infection control measures that have now been introduced will reduce the infection enough to make a more normal Christmas celebration possible.

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But Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) has already asked people to start thinking about a plan B if the measures cannot be relaxed in time to save the traditional company.

On Sunday, 129 corona patients were in the hospital, five more than the day before. Of these, 21 were treated with a respirator.

In Norway, a total of 306 deaths have been recorded since the outbreak began last winter.

(© NTB)


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