Espen Eckbo, Obituary | An obituary in memory of Ernst Øyvind Tvedt


The creator has recovered Ernst Øyvind and given him his final rest.

By Espen Eckbo, Comedian

This post was first published on VG. Reproduced with the autor’s permission.

Ernst Øyvind Tvedt, born and raised in Lillesand, was born on Easter 2006 (“TV2 Nøttene”) as number 80 in a pack of more than 100 characters.

He worked as a feature film consultant at one of the capital’s newest video stores, before applying to a creative vocational school. Unfortunately, he didn’t go in because he had inadvertently borrowed a camera with an “off” button on the microphone.

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In 2008 (“Tett på Tre”, TV2), Ernst Øyvind lived with Jeanette and Silas’s father.

Three years later, he had the opportunity to take part in a challenging journey through the Norwegian winter landscape (“Santas over Skog og Hei”, TVNorge), disguised as Santa Claus with 23 other participants. Since then, no one has seen it except in archived clips and reruns.

Ernst Øyvind was a dedicated employee. Whether it was a lost pen or trouble finding the right DVD shelf, no problem was too small for him to ask an expert for help. He was also a type of leader, in the sense that he was good at ordering tasks.

Not least, Ernst Øyvind was a loving and caring father, who rarely brought the wrong baby home after a visit to a cafe.

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But like all full personalities, Ernst Øyvind also had a dark side. He could provoke and seem offensive, notice it without wanting it or without understanding it himself. So on behalf of the deceased and all those who were injured or uncomfortable meeting Ernst Øyvind: I’m sorry! I did not mean.

The creator has recovered Ernst Øyvind and given him his final rest. It is a comfort to know that simply being able to rest is exactly what Ernst Øyvind himself primarily desired.

We illuminate the peace on the memory of Ernst Øyvind Tvedt.

WARNING! This text may appear outdated or offensive in the future. It will then be marked with another warning, in order to stay as is and inspire the continued development of a diverse, safe and inclusive Norway.

Oslo, December 17, 2020,

Espen Eckbo, Asbjørn Brekke, Ove Hoff, Rhino Thue, Waldemar, Tarald, Tørris m.fl.


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