Erna Solberg’s namesake changes name:


ERNA BECAME LAGERTHA: Health care professional Erna Solberg finally got tired of being held accountable for the Prime Minister’s job. Photo: Private

One of Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s former namesakes says she has received several thousand messages since 2013, about everything from social security to wolves to wind power. Now she changes her name to Lagertha Solberg.

– Hi, I’m Lagertha, says one of Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s former homonyms when VG calls her on Sunday night.

On Friday, he received confirmation from Altinn that the name change he finally requested has been made. Since then she has used her new name: Lagertha Solberg.

– It’s a bit strange, he laughs.

It was NRK who first mentioned Lagertha’s name change.

– I’m glad I’m not a politician

Lagertha is a healthcare professional and lives in Gjøvik. Before changing her name from Erna to Lagertha, for several years she had to deal with incitement and threats directed at the Prime Minister. A lot has come as calls, but that pressure has been higher on Messenger, she says.

– Guri me, there are several thousand. I can’t even bear to erase them, because if I sit down with him, they won’t ban me. It just stands and runs and goes, Lagertha tells VG.

– And drunk men this weekend who think it’s fun to flirt with the prime minister. I’m glad I’m not a politician.

CONTACT THE APPLICANT: The Prime Minister’s namesake has received up to 68 messages from the same person. She thinks it’s strange that people don’t see that the photos on her Facebook profile are not of the Prime Minister. Photo: Terje Bringedal

She says that about three messages have been positive. The rest has been less pleasant.

– I received so many negative comments that I almost feel a little bad, says Lagertha.

– I think you take that kind of thing unconsciously. You get a little depressed hearing all these horrible stories that people tell. I am very sorry for another Erna if she receives the same amount. But your skin may be a little tougher than mine.

The Prime Minister’s phone number is not public

For NRK, Prime Minister Erna Solberg regrets that her namesake has taken responsibility for everything that people are angry with the Prime Minister for.

– Dear namesake: I’m sorry I made you very thin. You will not have to take responsibility for what I do. So I hope you live well with the name Lagertha, the Prime Minister tells NRK.

After a quick search in the phone book, VG discovers that there are also several other people in Norway named Erna Solberg, with and without middle names. The Prime Minister stresses that none of the telephone numbers found there belongs to him.

– My phone number is secret, so if you find Erna Solberg in the phone book, then she is the wrong woman, you tell NRK.

COMBINATION OF WEIRD NAMES: As of Friday, only two people in Norway had the exact same name as the Prime Minister. Photo: Fredrik Solstad

I received congratulations after the elections

Among the other homonyms is Erna Gunhild Solberg from Treungen. When VG contacts her, she tells her that the man has read the NRK case about Lagertha.

“It is certainly not only you who is called, because it is a lady in Gjøvik who wants to change her name,” the man had told her.

Because even though this Solbergen has the middle name Gunnhild, they call her constantly.

– Sometimes there are some children who call me and sometimes there are some adults, but I don’t think they are completely sober when they call, he says.

– In the elections, it was also a bit special that someone called me to congratulate me. I had gone to bed and my husband picked up the phone. ‘No, has he gone to bed? You have won the elections! “They said then, laughs Erna Gunhild Solberg.

– Was it annoying?

– No, it has not bothered me especially, so I do not think about changing my name, at least. And it probably won’t be many months before it’s not so exciting to call Erna Solberg anymore, says Erna Gunhild Solberg, pointing to the upcoming parliamentary elections.

He has never used the middle name, but is glad that it appears in the phone book. She says that she and her husband have a bit of fun with her name too.

– My husband can say ‘I am married to Erna Solberg’. So sometimes we can joke around a bit with that too.

Mjøndalens Erna Solberg

There is also another Erna Solberg in Mjøndalen: she is 95 years old and her middle name is Marie.

– I am Erna Solberg, but I am not Prime Minister, says Erna Marie Solberg.

She says she’s not as bothered by these kinds of inquiries, but that she started using the middle name regularly after Solberg became prime minister. Because sometimes he receives phone calls intended for the prime minister. Sometimes until two in the evening.

– Then they’ve probably been to a party and have a little fun with the Prime Minister. Then I tell them that it is not the Prime Minister they are talking to, says Erna Marie Solberg, adding:

– And even if it had been, I don’t think it’s nice to receive calls at this time of day. So I say I think you should think a bit about what you do.

She thinks it’s strange that people don’t realize that their address in Mjøndalen doesn’t match the Prime Minister’s.

– Fun with change

Lagertha is not surprised that these two also have to answer questions to the Prime Minister.

– How would you advise the other Erna Solbergene to handle it?

– They can use the middle name, I think then. You can say hello if you talk to them again, he says, adding that homonyms shouldn’t waste time answering all the questions.

Although Lagertha herself doesn’t vote for the Conservatives, she doesn’t think the prime minister deserves that much.

– Probably does a good job. You must have a lot of energy, at least. It probably doesn’t decide as much as people think. She can’t go to every case and help everyone, Lagertha says.

– What if there is a change of government next year, will you regret the name change then?

– No, I can only turn to him. I think it’s fun with the change, me.

For people who for one reason or another are considering contacting the Prime Minister, Lagertha’s message is clear:

– I would advise people to prefer to take responsibility for their own lives, rather than just sit back and complain to the Prime Minister.

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