Erna Solberg, Name | Erna Solberg changes her name


Health professional Erna Solberg has grown tired of receiving thousands of angry questions on the phone, messages and social media.

– I keep quiet about all kinds of weird things that people are not satisfied with. Wind power, wolves, unemployment benefits, social security benefits, NAV cases. Yes, they even blame me for killing eagles.

This is what Erna Solberg, not the Prime Minister, but Gjøvik’s namesake, tells NRK Innlandet, who first mentioned the case.

– I feel a little relieved during the day. Maybe now avoid this type of consultation in the future, says the health professional to Nettavisen.

– It’s been happening since she became Prime Minister, it also got worse when I started using Messenger. This is where it has come in the most, even though I have a photo of myself. I don’t know exactly how many messages I have received, but there are thousands.

– They call all the time, both children and drunkards, 24 hours a day from private numbers. They call and call and call, says the health professional, who was still not afraid to pick up the phone when Nettavisen called her without warning.

In addition to care work, she also caters and fears losing important phones. Therefore, it was not relevant to hide the number in the phone book.

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She says that she has now received confirmation from Altinn that her official name is now Lagertha Solberg.

NRK has contacted Prime Minister Erna Solberg about the case. She sends the following greeting:

– Dear namesake: I’m sorry I made you very thin. You will not have to take responsibility for what I do. So I hope you live well with the name Lagertha.

Have the healthcare professional clear up the smiley face:

– How nice you say that! But then, I’m really sorry for her. If she gets only half of what I get from that kind of criticism. I think it’s tough who can take it, she tells Nettavisen.

A constant stream of messages and requests has made an impression:

– There are so many frustrated people out there! There is a need, people who have no food. I hear so many horrible stories and I work in a care profession so I think it’s bad to hear it. But it’s not my fault, is it?

Also read: Erna Solberg concerned with a clear message: – You have to be careful

If she could have been Prime Minister for a day herself, she has no doubt how it would have gone:

– Then I probably would have done it very differently, but then we would have gone broke pretty quickly. There’s a lot to think about in such a job, says healthcare professional Solberg.


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