Erdogan warns of a “new crusade”


He made a statement at a party group meeting on Wednesday.

“I am sad and frustrated, not because of the attack on me, but because of the rudeness of targeting the prophet we love more than ourselves,” Erdogan said.

Legal steps

At the same time, the Turkish authorities warn that they will take legal and diplomatic measures against the satirical drawing of the French magazine. Ankara’s prosecution has also launched an investigation into the satire.

– We condemn this terrible attempt by this publication to spread its racism and cultural hatred, writes Fahrettin Altun, Erdogan’s press adviser, on Twitter.

Altun believes this is proof that French President Emmanuel Macron’s anti-Muslim agenda is paying off.

He drew

The cartoon on Wednesday’s version of Charlie Hebdo shows Erdogan in a T-shirt and boxer shorts, as he drinks beer and lifts the skirt of a hijab-wearing woman and shows her bare butt.

– Ooh, the prophet, says the figure, while in the title it says “Erdogan: very funny in private”.

The new edition of Charlie Hebdo comes as the war of words between Erdogan, Macron and other European leaders escalates as a result of the attempted assassination of French teacher Samuel Paty. The killer was a suspected Islamist.
