Enter hospital stay: all patients are sent to other hospitals


The situation is critical at Hammerfest Hospital after 19 employees were confirmed to be infected and 120 employees are in quarantine. This means that more than a quarter of the workforce is out of action due to the crown.

On Friday, Finnmark Hospital decided to further strengthen infection control measures at the hospital.

Now a full hospital stay is being introduced to reduce the spread of infection. At the same time, the preparation of the entire health fund is increased.

The measures that the hospital has implemented so far have not had the desired effect, Finnmark Hospital writes in a press release. That is the reason for the austerity measures.

– This is a scenario that we have imagined and for which we have prepared. Solid work has been done upfront to ensure we have good preparation and resources before cutting down the remaining operations at the hospital, says CEO Siri Tau Ursin at Finnmark Hospital.

The intake stop is scheduled to last two weeks.

Linn (37) when the infection bomb exploded in the hospital: – I thought this could be big

– Everyone wants help

Two additional ambulance planes will be stationed in Finnmark. Also, the car ambulance service in West Finnmark can be serviced on short notice.

– All patients will receive the help they need, says Tau Ursin.

She emphasizes that all affected patients will be contacted continuously.

Red alert

Previously, Finnmark Hospital was on yellow alert, while Hammerfest Hospital was on red. Finnmark Hospital has now introduced red emergency preparedness throughout the health fund.

Helse Nord also emphasizes that all patients should be helped.

– All who need it will receive help. To ensure good readiness in Finnmark, additional flight resources have been deployed to transport patients. Hospitals in Helse Nord work as a team and must be ready to receive patients when needed, says We are well equipped, says Cecilie Daae, CEO of Helse Nord RHF.

The other regional health authorities have also shown a great willingness to help when necessary to receive patients from the region.

– We are well equipped, says Daae.
