Email Reveals: Fallen Face Mask for Everyone


In April, a plan was made to send face masks to all American households. Public health experts in the United States believed that it would be a clear signal to the public about the seriousness of the situation.

“This is so important that we will mail them to you,” is the message I would send to Americans, “Monica Gandhi of the University of California and San Francisco told NBC News.

The plan was to mail face masks to every American household. Americans living in states hardest hit by the pandemic should take priority first.

Left the plan

Now it turns out that the bandages were never sent to the population, but to state and federal agencies.

The White House abandoned the plan to send tissues to every household in the US in April and instead decided to distribute these tissues to nonprofits and state and federal agencies, according to an internal email from NBC. News has gained access to.

MASK: The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has changed his mind and now calls for the use of bandages. Photo / video: The White House / AP / AFP
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The internal email was sent in response to an incident from a nongovernmental entity asking why the Trump administration did not proceed to send masks to all Americans. In the email, a ministry official says it was the White House that made the decision to send face masks to non-profit organizations and agencies.

When asked by NBC News why the original plan was abandoned, the spokesperson avoids responding. Instead, the answer is:

– Fabric bandages are now widely available from various vendors and are easily accessible to the American public. Also, many now make their own face masks.

The White House has not ruled on the case.

May: RidiculedNow: - Patriotic

May: RidiculedNow: – Patriotic

Mouthpiece opponent

The American president was for a long time very reluctant to wear a mask. He refused to wear a face mask at press conferences, political meetings, and other events. Furthermore, he has tried to ridicule others who use it, such as his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden.

The president’s own opposition has also led many of his supporters to refuse to wear masks because they believe it deprives them of their freedom.

However, at the end of July, the president took a 180 degree turn in his vision of the use of face masks in the fight against the virus. The reason is mainly the measly numbers in the polls.
