Elin Kjos: – He has frozen an ovary.


The story of the Swede Elin Kjos (32) inspires thousands. She subsisted as a healthy exercise model on Instagram until March, when a tumor over 8 inches in size was found in her right lung. Kjos had had a bad cough for over a year, but he never thought in that way that this could be something serious.

The tumor and much of the lung were operated on, but the damage had already occurred. The cancer had spread. Kjos was treated with a combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy that she received until mid-July.

FIGHTING: Elin Kjos has recently been treated for a cancer diagnosis for which there is no cure. Photo: Private
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At the end of that month, you should receive an answer about whether the treatment had worked or whether the lung cancer had spread further. Luckily she did not have it, but the metastases had not decreased and she has continued with the treatments.

The 32-year-old wants to live, something she does not hide in a new interview with Expressen.

NIGHTMARE: Elin Kjos was going to see why he had been coughing for so long. Now she is fighting for her life. Video: Instagram @ elin.kjos Reporter: Celina Morken
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Inspire thousands

Kjos has a motto, which she mentions in the interview. Accept the diagnosis, but not the prognosis. She has been on two different types of chemotherapy, but has now eliminated one. Your body can no longer tolerate it, but it still depends on receiving treatment every three weeks. This is how the disease is controlled.

Her twin sister Ida can also be interviewed and says they are now looking for alternative treatments. The odds are not good, but they refuse to give up.

– If you look at the statistics, we have a probability percentage. But the doctors said he was going to lose hair, lose muscle mass, and lose weight, and none of that has happened. We want to feel that we have done it all, that we are fighting the disease. I can’t just sit back and hope for the best, says the twin sister.

More than 60,000 people follow the life of Elin Kjos on Instagram. He became known as a training influencer, which he still is. The disease has not made her shy away from the gym, on the contrary, it has almost given her more motivation.

That attitude also motivates fans, who share their photos under the hashtag “tränaförElin”. The idea is that “if Elin can train, I can do it and”.

DEATH: Jon Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston, died of breast cancer. Photo / video: NTB Scanpix / AP
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Freeze the ovary

The 32-year-old has every ambition to go on living. Among other things, he will do like his sister, who has started a family. A chemotherapy treatment can destroy the ovaries, so he decided to freeze them.

– They had never been involved in that in the lung cancer ward. If you have my prognosis, the children are not the first thing they discuss, then it is only a matter of surviving, but I said: “If I survive I will have children”, he tells Expressen, and continues:

– Just a few days later, I operated on my ovary so that it was not damaged by the cytotoxic drug. Now he’s frozen in a lab, so if I recover … When I recover, they’ll operate again, he says.

According to a Research article, cancer treatment can lead to infertility, ovarian failure, and early menopause. Therefore, some choose to freeze eggs or parts of the ovaries. The frozen tissue can be transplanted back into the body later.

To Dagbladet, Kjos explains the intervention as follows:

– I operated on an entire ovary, with ovules and fallopian tubes. The risk of its destruction is high due to the cytotoxic drug. And if I recover, I would like the opportunity to start a family, he says, and continues:

– I had a fairly sharp peephole operation, because I was going to start chemotherapy pretty quickly. My ovary is now frozen until I need it again. It’s then thawed and put back into the body, she says.

- Maximum of what the body can bear

– Maximum of what the body can bear

– Extremely resistant

The Kjos treatment will only stop completely if your body can no longer cope with it and if your values ​​become too bad. When Dagbladet spoke to Kjos in May, he described life’s situation as a nightmare that never ends.

– I still find it difficult to even understand that I am as sick as I really am. Mentally it is extremely tough and now there are many tears, restlessness and stress.

In June, she said she is beginning to feel more tired and less able to cope with each day.

“It’s tough mentally, but I’m still trying to think positively and keep my spirits up,” she said when Dagbladet spoke to her shortly after her second treatment.

On his channels, where he has more than 60,000 sensors, Kjos has found a lot of support lately.

– I have always been very open on social networks and I have always felt enormous support from my followers. In different parts of life, she told Dagbladet, and told him why she has chosen to be so outspoken in the fight against cancer.

– For me, it became a natural step to continue sharing my daily life even now. The love and support that I now receive on a daily basis through Instagram is completely incomparable and gives me the strength to continue fighting. Hopefully I can give strength and support to other people who are also in the same situation.
