Elections in the United States: – What happens after the elections in the United States?


They are still counting votes in some of the US states, before Joe Biden can take the stage and officially declare himself the 46th President of the United States.

On Saturday afternoon, the vote count was not yet complete in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada and Alaska.

Announced Biden as the winner of the election

Numerical analysis firm Decision Desk HQ (DDHQ) already announced Biden as the election winner after he assumed leadership from Trump in the important state of Pennsylvania. Major US media such as the Associated Press, NBC, Fox News and CNN announced Saturday afternoon that Joe Biden won the election.

PRESIDENT: Joe Biden was named the winner of the election by all major American media on Saturday afternoon. Photo: AFP / NTB Scanpix.
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What happens afterwards until the inauguration of the president of the United States on January 20?

In some states, there are rules that say there must be a tally if there is less than one percentage point separating the two candidates. In other states, there may be an automatic count.

If the result is so uniform that it is decided by recount or late voting by mail, it is very likely that one of the candidates will try to go to court.

Counting in Georgia

So far we know there will be a count in the state of Georgia. Election chief Brad Raffensperger declared Friday that the result will give a margin of only a few thousand votes among presidential candidates. Thus, they will carry out a count in the state.

UNITED STATES: President Donald Trump knew Georgia had won, although the count was not completed. Video: AP
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There are some important dates ahead before the president is officially inaugurated. Here is the list of the most important events:

8. December:

When all the votes have been counted and the voters have been distributed, they will meet to certify the results of the elections on December 8. If there are legal disputes over the outcome of the elections, they must be resolved, in accordance with federal law, no later than six days before the voters meet in person. In 2020, the deadline is December 8, as voters vote on December 14.

On Election Day, November 3, according to The Washington Post, 12 lawsuits were filed in connection with the presidential election. In retrospect, Trump’s lawyers have filed a handful of other lawsuits.

By December 8, however, all vote counting, recounting, and legal issues must be cleared up.

FAR: President Donald Trump appeared in public for the first time since election night. Photo: AP
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14. December: Electoral College

On this day, all electors meet to hold the formal election of the President and Vice President of the United States. The president of the United States is not elected directly by the people, but by 538 voters nominated by all 50 states and the capital, Washington.



The members of the Assembly are elected in a number corresponding to the members of the Länder in Congress. Voters have previously promised to run for president and vice president, but in some states, voters can vote for the candidate of their choice. But in practice, most voters vote based on the outcome of elections in the state. If Biden wins in Pennsylvania, all 20 state voters will vote for Biden when they meet in December.

It has happened that voters have not voted according to what they were supposed to vote for. Like in the 2016 election, when seven voters voted against the result in their state. But it has not happened that the outcome of the election itself has changed because voters have voted differently than they should.

December 23th:

The votes of the electors are given to Congress. A federal law requires voters to deliver their votes to the vice president on the fourth Wednesday in December. This year it falls on December 23.

Barack Obama congratulates Biden

Barack Obama congratulates Biden

January 3:

New members of Congress and Senate are installed.

January 6th:

Federal law requires a unified Congress to count the votes of the electors and declare the winners of the presidential elections. The joint session will be held in Congress on January 6.

January 20, 2021:

At 12:00 he is ready for a grand opening ceremony. The president is sworn in, generally by the justitiarius of the Federal Supreme Court. In the event of a change of president, this takes place in a ceremony where the outgoing president and the newly elected president are usually present. It remains to be seen if this will be the case this time.

BROKE: CNN commentator and former Barack Obama adviser Van Jones went bankrupt in the television studio when it was confirmed that Biden will be the next president of the United States.
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Here’s how the vote count went on Monday night:

Georgia (16 voters): Joe Biden leads with 49.48 percent of the vote, but Donald Trump is right behind with 49.28 percent. Trump had a head start in Georgia on election night, but since the votes were counted, Biden was broke. On Friday he passed Trump. Now Biden has an advantage of more than 10,000 votes.

• Arizona (11 voters): Biden leads with 49.50 percent of the vote, against 48.99 percent for Trump. This weekend, Trump limped to Biden’s lead, but so far there are still nearly 17,000 votes separating them.

• Pennsylvania (20 voters): Decision Desk named Biden the state winner after taking the initiative. For this reason, they have also proclaimed him the winner. On Saturday afternoon, CNN announced that Joe Biden won the presidential election. It was fairly even between the two candidates in the state. Biden has 49.75 percent of the vote, while Trump has 49.11. Biden led Saturday afternoon with about 34,000 votes, now the lead has risen to 43,210.

• North Carolina (15 voters): Donald Trump leads with 50 percent of the vote, against 48.7 percent for Biden. About 75,000 votes now separate them.

• Nevada (6 voters): Decision Desk has named Biden the state winner. Biden has 50 percent of the vote, to Trump’s 47.69 percent. There is a difference of about 31,000 votes between Biden and Trump.
