Eight cars hit by rock throwers in Drammen


Six other cars plus a truck have also been hit by rocks in the same area.

All the incidents took place at 11 p.m. on Sunday. The first message arrived at 23:03, and then two messages followed until 23/08 and 23/12.

Since then, the police have been notified of four more cars that have been run over.

– This has happened on the E18 just before Drammensbrua at the Brakerøya exit. Some of the cars continued and stopped later, and a motorist contacted Viking for help, Operations Manager Jan Kristian Johnsrud in the Southeast Police District tells NTB.

So far, only the woman in the first car has been injured. The other motorists were not physically injured, but all cars were damaged. The police are investigating the incidents and are taking the case seriously.

– In the worst case scenario, this could have led motorists to run off the road, says Johnsrud.

After 3 p.m. on Monday, the police report on Twitter that they have been informed that a truck has also been run over by a rock while passing through the same place. The truck’s roof hatch was broken.
