Education, School | Dagbladet: Oslo school principals have received significantly higher salary


Several education directors in the Oslo department of education have millionaire salaries.

In percentage terms, one director should have received a 14.7 percent salary increase, while another rose 12.5 percent in salary. The highest salary increase in crowns is NOK 141,300, writes Dagbladet.

The newspaper writes that teachers at the Oslo school are encouraged to show restraint in the salary deal due to the corona pandemic. They have been offered a 1.7 percent pay raise.

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There are 26 principals in the Education Agency, and they all have between 1.1 and 1.2 million crowns in annual salary, which is 28.6 million a year from the Oslo school budgets.

The director of education and executive director of the agency, Marte Gerhardsen, is the one who decides the salaries of the directors.

– We have considered it correct and necessary to increase the salary of a limited number of managers, based on the fact that they have been assigned a significantly greater area of ​​responsibility, has previously stated to Dagbladet Vidar Lødrup, division director in the organizational development division and joint services.

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Inga Marte Thorkildsen (Sv), Councilor for Education and Knowledge of the Municipality of Oslo, has recruited Gerhardsen. He did not want to criticize Gerhardsen, but constantly repeated that it is Gerhardsen himself who manages the salary level in his own agency.

Neither Torkildsen nor Gerhardsen have responded to Dagbladet’s questions.
