Donald Trump, US presidential election | Is Trump a third party job?


The Trump brand is about winning. So why not do more to get four new years?

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Is it just me, or does Donald Trump seem a bit boring?

Yes, he turns on in public gatherings and scolds journalists. As he usually does. But there is something about body language, organizing the election campaign and all the things it could have done. But not yet.

The disorganized

The organization has never been Trump’s strength. There are no clear hierarchies, roles and responsibilities. It is Trump’s daily way that decides who he listens to, who he puts on the job, and who stays or gets fired.

Also read: Tutta is Trump’s Norwegian friend: – He will make hell if he loses

This election campaign is reportedly still chaotic on a whole new level. There is simply no structure. Zero, nothing. And spending money is as arbitrary as the structure of Trump’s sentences. Guaranteed reinforced by the fact that you are on the defensive.

And where is the first lady?

And where is Melania’s wife? She is completely absent from the election campaign. You can think what you want of her, but it is always the case that the spouse has a role and it is used in arenas where there are votes to find. If Trump is so desperate to win, why can’t he convince Melania that he should contribute?

There are also things that Trump could have done politically that would surely increase support.

Also read: American media: Trump is evil and Biden is good. Everything else is fake news

“Not much”

He could handle the Covid-19 situation, if only symbolically. To create the illusion that you have a strategy. But even though less than 40 percent of Americans think he handles this situation well, he answers “not much” when asked if he would have liked to have done something different.

A bold check in the mail

Or he could have taken the initiative for a giant support package that led to every American receiving a bold new check in the mail. He could have insisted on spending far more money than even the Democrats have proposed, and using his power to get Republican senators to accept him. It would be financially irresponsible, but Trump is not in the habit of taking such considerations into account if that is what it takes to win.

Here you can read more posts by Simen A. Johannessen.

Biden and Borat

He could also attack Joe Biden with more force and with more determination. He tends to be very good on the psyche of his opponents. But now he spends a lot of energy nagging himself with issues and people that mean nothing to the outcome of the election. Like the new movie “Borat” by Sacha Baron Cohen.

Also read: Baron Cohen counterattacks Trump

Why not a war?

True to war, he might even do it. He targeted a “shitty country” or two that he believes threatens the United States. Such foreign policy crises tend to coalesce around the president.

But little is happening. And now, in practice, the new initiatives are too late to have any effect.

Also read: Scandal after Trump interview

What willoch said

Kåre Willoch once said that being prime minister is more fun than being one. Perhaps Trump has reached the same conclusion.

And at 74, you may need to act now if you want to have a fun, active few years as “Past President.” Travel and meet friends, be greeted like royalty, and squeeze every last juice from the Trump brand.

Also read: Turboneger on Trump

Thirteen jobs

Norwegian golfer Suzann “Tutta” Pettersen believes Trump will have a big loss if he loses. Yes, it’s probably going to be big in the mouth, but I think it will be.

Because the way I see it, Trump is sick of being president.
