Donald Trump, United States | Trump koronasmittet:


– Donald Trump’s corona infection can have important consequences.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): This is what the American expert Hilmar Mjelde says, after it became known late Friday that the president was infected with the coronavirus.

Mjelde believes that Trump now infected may have significant or no consequences.

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– Back to family style

– In principle, Trump may have to resign and the party find a substitute, a theoretical scenario from which we are far away. At best, you’ll be familiar again in a week and a half, Mjelde.

He has no doubt that Trump will dominate the news in the days and weeks ahead.

– And your Twitter finger won’t rest on a cot. But the election will not be postponed anyway. Therefore, the mandates and traditions of the constitution are too strong, says the American expert.

– What could this mean for Trump’s election campaign?

– The outcome of the elections is totally over-determined this year. This means that there are already so many individual factors that individually can tilt the election in favor of Trump or Biden, Mjelde says.

– For some, this may reinforce the desire for change: a “clean break”. Especially if Trump was sick for a long time. I think we will see the White House do everything possible to show a strong Trump. To signal that he is strong and capable of leading the country, says Mjelde.

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The bite will strengthen your position.

– And how does Biden handle this?

– You will strengthen your position only by acting with dignity, it will make you look more president. Biden gets it, says Mjelde.

Biden also came out on Friday and sent his best wishes to President Donald Trump and his wife Melania.

– Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a speedy recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family, Biden said.

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Støre: – You have not taken the infection very seriously.

APS leader Jonas Gahr Støre tells NTB that he wishes the crown-infected Donald Trump a good recovery, but notes that the US president has not taken the infection very seriously.

– Trump has shown that he has not taken this infection very seriously. He has had great gatherings with people, and he has not used a mask, so he has been a target that this is not so serious, says the Labor leader to NTB.

Click the pic to enlarge.  US President Donald Trump has mild symptoms of Covid-19, according to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.  Meadows says he is optimistic and believes Trump will recover quickly.

US President Donald Trump has mild symptoms of Covid-19, according to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Meadows says he is optimistic and believes Trump will recover quickly.
Photo: AP Photo / Carolyn Kaster

Nancy Pelosi, a Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, believes that Trump’s decision to attend election campaign meetings without a face mask was like asking to be infected, NTB writes.

“Moving through the crowd without a face mask was, in a way, an invitation for something like this to happen,” Pelosi told MSNBC.

That Trump and the first lady of the United States have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, Pelosi calls it “sad,” but also expresses her hope that it can be a wake-up call for American citizens, writes NTB.

– Trump now receives sympathy

– Trump now gets sympathy, which he should get. Only stupid people agree to this. But then it’s legitimate to point out that the situation is a descriptive picture of the pandemic crisis and Trump’s failed leadership, says Mjelde.

– What do you think is the most dramatic at the moment?

Presidential illness can open up many practical and legal dilemmas. Everything from whether Trump is capable of making decisions to matters of succession. That is, it is retiring, but currently this is completely theoretical. We must have ice in our stomach, says Mjelde.

– Trump should speak to the nation as soon as possible

Although Trump is infected, Mjelde believes that the president should enter the field as soon as possible. According to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Trump has mild symptoms of Covid-19.

Meadows says he is optimistic and believes Trump will recover quickly, NTB writes.

The New York Times reports from two anonymous sources that the president’s symptoms were mild and the symptoms were described as colds.

Also read: – Trump has mild symptoms

– Trump should speak to the nation as soon as possible. Give an update on your situation and that of the vice president. You can easily do it through a video clip, says American expert Hilmar Mjelde.

– We don’t know exactly how this will turn out. A few days of media coverage and public discussion are always needed. Voters must also summarize before reacting. In any case, Trump will have to find a way to campaign similar to Biden’s. As is well known, Biden has stayed home for half a year, says Mjelde.

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