Donald Trump transported to the hospital


Donald Trump has been admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for further medical evaluation.

“For the sake of security, and following the recommendations of his physician and medical experts, the president will work from the presidential offices of Walter Reed in the coming days,” the White House said.

According to the White House, it should not be relevant to transfer presidential power to Vice President Mike Pence.

Condition uncertain

There is uncertainty about the president’s health. The White House describes the president’s symptoms as mild, while several US outlets report that the president’s condition has worsened over Friday.

“This is serious,” an anonymous Trump adviser told CNN reporter Jim Acosta.

The source says Trump should be exhausted and having trouble breathing, but stresses that the president takes the situation “very seriously.”

thumbs up

A helicopter took off in front of the White House on Friday night to transport the president to the hospital.

Just before 12:30 a.m., Donald Trump crossed the lawn in front of the White House and boarded the helicopter.

Trump: – I think I do very well

The president did not comment on the press corps, but raised his thumb and got into the helicopter with his own machine. Shortly after, he shared a video on Twitter, thanking all the support.

Fever and breathing problems

Donald Trump’s doctor says in a statement that the president, who was diagnosed with coronary heart disease on Friday, is being followed by a group of experts.

– He’s exhausted, but in a good mood, says Dr. Sean P. Conley in the statement.

Sources tell the New York Times that the president has a mild fever and cough. Several other American media are also aware of this.

Strip negative publicity

The president’s Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, is calling for unity after news of the transfer to the hospital broke.

– This cannot be a political party moment. This must be an American moment. We must overcome this as a nation, writes Biden on Twitter.

At the same time, Biden’s campaign confirms that the Democrat is removing all negative publicity from the Internet and television screens. According to NBC, the decision was made before it was known that Trump would be taken to the hospital.

Medicine cocktail

Conley says the president has received corona treatment, 8 grams of “Regeneron’s cocktail of polyclonal antibodies,” which according to the New York Times is an experimental treatment.

They have also given him vitamins and pain relievers, says Trump’s doctor.

First lady Melania has also been diagnosed with the coronavirus. The doctor says he has a mild cough and headache.


PERSONNEL MANAGER: Mark Meadows. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP / NTB

Conley says recommendations to Trump and First Lady Melania on “additional steps” will be made in consultation with him and the experts.

“The rest of the family tested negative for the coronavirus,” says Conley.

– Mild symptoms

Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, said on Friday that he believes more people in the White House will test positive in the future.

– I hope more people in the White House get positive results, he says.

He said the president is not very sick.

– The president maintains his spirits and only has mild symptoms. He works and gave me various assignments early today, as he usually does, Meadows says.

Meadows says he is optimistic and believes Trump will recover quickly.

Biden: – These are scary times.

Infection tracking

Infections are now being closely monitored after Trump attended an event Thursday in which he had contact with about 100 people.

– The moment we got a positive result, we started by getting in touch with everyone I had been in contact with, Meadows says.

Melania Trump took to Twitter on Friday and thanked all the warm greetings they have received after it became known that the couple was infected.

– I have mild symptoms, but overall I feel fine. I hope to recover quickly, write.

– Affects everyone

Chief of Staff Meadows says several steps have been taken around the president to prevent infection before he was diagnosed with Covid-19.

“But anyway, this virus can affect everyone, the president has contact with many people, so now he has to deal with this, in the same way that many other Americans do,” he says.

These have tested positive

  • President Donald Trump
  • First Lady Melania Trump
  • Republican Senator Mike Lee
  • Presidential Advisor Hope Hicks
  • A political journalist
  • A White House employee who lives in the west wing.
