Donald Trump to the hospital – gave the go-ahead – VG


TO THE HOSPITAL: Donald Trump has a thumbs up on his way to the helicopter taking him to Walter Reed Hospital. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP

Donald Trump is now heading to Walter Reed Military Hospital.

Just before 12:25 am Norway time, Donald Trump left the White House and boarded the Marine One helicopter. He will take you to the military hospital, which is a short flight away.

On the way to the helicopter, Trump gave a thumbs-up to the press corps and the employees who followed him. He did not stop to answer questions.

The president of the United States has mild symptoms. His doctor, Sean P. Conley, said a few hours before it was announced that Trump would be taken to the hospital.

According to the White House, he will go there to be sure. He’s exhausted, but in a good mood, according to Trump’s doctor.

– The president will work with Walter Reed in the coming days, says White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

He claims that Trump has worked during the day.

– Trump is in command

No power or authority has yet been transferred to the Vice President.

“The president is in command,” White House spokeswoman Alyssa Farah told CNN.

Undersecretary of the Press Judd Deere added “absolutely not” when asked if a transfer of authority to Mike Pence would take place.

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After the infection was confirmed, the president received a single eight-gram dose of the drug Regeneron as a preventive measure, his doctor claims.

MARINE ONE: President Donald Trump’s helicopter lands in front of the White House. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP

Antibody cocktail

It is a treatment that consists of a cocktail of antibodies against covid-19.

The purpose of antibodies is to mimic the antibodies that the body itself produces to fight disease.

The drug is made by extracting antibodies from infected people and then synthetically reproducing them.

The company emphasizes on its website that the drug is being tested.

– Regulatory authorities have not fully evaluated safety and efficacy, Regeneron writes.

Read also: Trump’s toughest test

Here’s the press release from Donald Trump’s doctor. Photo: CASA BLANCA

– Promising results

– It is a new drug and still in development, but there are promising results that need to be further tested, says epidemiologist and head of the Research Council, John-Arne Røttingen to VG.

The drug is not approved, but it can be given in research studies or as an experimental treatment if the patient consents.

– I understand in the context of your job title and position that you want to maximize your chances of not becoming seriously ill.

She adds that she is a bit surprised that they didn’t give her Remdesivir.

The president’s doctor claims that Trump has also been given zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.

Famotidine is often used for stomach acid and is sold in the US without a prescription:

– It is a drug that is being tested for corona treatment. There have been some reports indicating that it may have a positive effect on covid-19, says Røttingen.

INFECTED: President Donald Trump outside the White House the day before he was confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. Photo: Yuri Gripas / ABACA POOL

– very encouraging

Regeneron on Tuesday released test results showing that its antibody cocktail appears to reduce the amount of coronavirus in patients and ease symptoms, CNN reports.

The results include only 275 patients, but they are very promising, according to Dr. Jeane Marazzo, who heads the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama.

Regeron’s cocktail consists of an antibody that hunts down the protein the coronavirus uses to pierce healthy cells, and another that attacks other parts of the virus.

– Whether it is antibody therapy or vaccines that attack these proteins, it seems that we are on the right track. “I think it’s very encouraging,” Marazzo told CNN.

Other doctors also test positive, but all emphasize that there is still a lot of tests left.

President Donald Trump and his wife Melania tested positive for the coronavirus on Friday.

Means: – Mild fever and cough.

Conley says a team of experts is monitoring the 74-year-old president.

– Together we will give our recommendations to the president and the first lady on the best steps to take, writes Conley.

INFECTED: President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania in front of the White House on September 29. Photo: Carolyn Kaster / AP

According to CNN, the president had a mild fever this morning US time. New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman cites two anonymous sources “close to Trump” that he also has a cold and cough.

The first lady is fine

He adds that First Lady Melania Trump is fine, with a mild cough and headache.

Trump’s other family tested negative for coronavirus.

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It was Friday night Norwegian time when Donald Trump announced that he and his wife Melania were infected with the coronavirus. The couple will be quarantined at the White House.

– Tonight, FLOTUS (first lady, editor’s note) and I tested positive for covid-19. We will begin the quarantine period and recovery process immediately. We will get through it together, the US president writes on Twitter.

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