Donald Trump – The New Political Battle Plan



House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy met with former President Donald Trump on Thursday.

The two Republicans met at the Mar-a-Lago luxury property in Florida, where Trump is currently staying.

Here, the former president offered to help Republicans regain the majority in the House of Representatives in the 2022 elections. Trump’s own sponsoring organization, Save America PAC, reports to several US media.

In a statement, the organization writes that it was a “good and cordial” meeting.

– They talked about many topics. One of them was how to win back the House in 2022. President Trump’s popularity has never been higher than today and his support means more than anyone else, the organization writes, according to CNN and others.

Like so many other high-profile Americans before him, former US President Donald Trump moved to Florida to spend his retirement in the Sunshine State. Reporters: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen and Vegard Kvaale.
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Towards the Supreme Court

McCarthy subsequently posted the following Twitter message:

“Together and ready to win in 2022”.

In a statement, which is attached to the Twitter message, he confirms that Trump is committed to helping Republicans take control of the House and Senate in 2022.

“A Republican majority will listen to Americans and solve the challenges facing our nation. Democrats, on the other hand, have only put forth an agenda that separates us, like going to court against a president who is now a private citizen. good for the country, we must stop the radical democratic agenda.

Claims Trump is planning revenge

Claims Trump is planning revenge

McCarthy was in Palm Beach, Florida this week for a fundraiser.

According to sources with whom CNN has spoken, the California representative has been warned by several of his own before meeting Trump. They thought it might look like he was “crawling back” to the president.


In a debate on the Supreme Court case against Trump earlier this month, McCarthy stated that Trump had some responsibility in the January 6 attack on Congress.

But last week he delivered the criticism, when he said he still did not believe Trump had provoked the mob, writes The New York Times.

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It may be Biden’s nightmare

– I haven’t changed my mind. I think the president had some responsibility for the answer. But if you listen to what the president said before the rally, he said “demonstrate peacefully,” McCarthy said Sunday.

According to CNN, McCarthy is “caught” between Trump’s strongest supporters in the party and those who turned their backs on him after the attack on Congress.

It depends in many ways on Trump supporters, who are important voters for the Republican Party.
