Donald Trump speaks at CPAC –


On Sunday, Donald Trump will speak publicly for the first time since resigning the presidency on January 20. He does so at a politically conservative conference in Orlando, Florida, CPAC.

Trump is banned from social media like Twitter and Facebook.

– It is in a way a bit strange for the public, who for so long was used to a bombardment, a machine gun with insane explosions every day. Not having it, it feels a bit strange and liberating, his voice then disappeared to the degree after the takeover of Congress, Civita adviser Eirik Løkke tells Dagbladet.

The former president spends his days at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, where he plays a lot of golf, among other things. Trump has been banned from social media and has remained remarkably quiet, aside from the statements regarding the Supreme Court acquittal and the court defeat regarding the filing of tax returns.

So what can we expect?

SHORES: Trump Plaza Casino in Atlantic City was demolished after going bankrupt in 2014. Another investor bought the building in 2016. See the explosion here. Video: AP
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– Total lack of logic

– We can probably expect a lot from classic Trump: lots of teasing, strange results, and a total lack of logic. We can’t expect coherent reasoning on policy, I think, but it probably won’t be that important either, Civita adviser Eirik Løkke tells Dagbladet.

Norce’s investigator Hilmar Mjelde believes that we will hear from a Trump who will strengthen his grip on the party.

– It is a party that has been de-institutionalized and has become your personal party. He will probably talk about the America First agenda, which in content just means total loyalty to Trump. It has no factual content: What Trump accomplished as president was Reagan’s policy that Mitch McConnell implemented, Mjelde tells Dagbladet.

According to NBC, there is little doubt that Trump has a lot of chickens to pick up, some of them with Republicans he thinks are disloyal. People like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are probably not very welcome at the conference.

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The Swedish star thanked Trump

Mjelde thinks he will be ruthless.

– It will be another relentless showdown for those who opposed his attempt at self-coup after the elections. Trump simply does not tolerate criticism, Mjelde tells Dagbladet.

Løkke won’t be surprised if this comes out either.

– You will probably think that these are people who are destroying the party, that they should be eliminated and that the party is prudent to follow, believes Løkke.

THANK YOU: In his last speech as president of the United States, Donald Trump gives the floor to first lady Melania Trump. Video: AP
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Great help

The point is that Donald Trump has great support in the Republican Party, both among party members and among voters. The CPAC is the most important republican conference in the United States.

Among the topics the organizers are supposed to have panel discussions on at the conference are the anti-fascist movement Antifa, electoral fraud, media censorship, socialism and immigration.

– The conference was interesting for conservative intellectuals, and Mitt Romney, for example, was the most popular 15 years ago. Now he is “persona non grata.” Trump did not appear there in 2016 because he was unpopular. It illustrates how Trump has taken over the Republican Party and the Conservative movement, says Løkke.

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Axios: – I still decide

Both Løkke and Mjelde believe that the list of topics gives a sad picture of how the conference has developed.

– It is tragic to see the development of CPAC. Before, this was an interesting conference in terms of ideas and thinking. But this conspiracy theory is sadly very illustrative of what we’ve seen lately, says Løkke.

– Since 1980, Reagan’s agenda has set the tone for American politics. The CPAC reflected this. But now it only reflects the feudal structure of Trump’s Republican Party. It will be “MAGA galore,” says Mjelde.
