Donald Trump, presidential election in the United States


– I think there are many people who speculate too much, says the director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

The night before Friday of last week, the president of the United States, Donald Trump (74) and the first lady Melania Trump (50) were diagnosed with the coronavirus, which can cause the covid-19 disease.

The president’s physician, Sean P. Conley, has stated that Trump had a high fever and that oxygen levels fell below 94 percent on Friday. It is unclear exactly how low it fell. But the oxygen saturation shouldn’t have been below 80, according to Conley.

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On Friday, President Trump received an hour-long supply of oxygen at the White House and was later admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The fever has subsided over the weekend and the oxygen saturation has returned to normal.

The president has been treated with various drugs used in the treatment of covid-19. Trump has been treated with remdesivir, Rain-Cov2, and dexamethasone. The drug dexamethasone is a form of steroid that aims to strengthen the immune system.

Possible serious side effects

The Common Catalog, which is an overview of all medicines marketed in Norway, provides information on possible serious side effects of dexamethasone. The joint catalog establishes that the patient must consult a doctor if: «feel, see or hear things that are not there. You have strange or scary thoughts, change your behavior, or feel lonely.»

(See more side effects of dexamethasone later in the article.)

– Dexamethasone can have very serious side effects. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has now recommended that it be used in the most seriously ill covid-19 patients, those who need oxygen supplementation or are on a respirator. But it is not recommended for those with mild symptoms, because it does not seem to have any particular effect on them, the medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency, Steinar Madsen, tells Nettavisen.

– Trump has had some episodes with low oxygen saturation. I think there are a lot of people who speculate too much. As long as you don’t know the patient, you can’t speculate about drug use. Treating a patient is the responsibility of the treating physician and presupposes that the treating physician makes specific evaluations of the advantages and disadvantages of treatment, says Madsen.

– The use of dexamethasone in Trump’s case is relatively short-lived. It is not a long term treatment. These serious side effects can occur with long-term treatment. But it’s true that dexamethasone can cause a wide range of serious side effects, ranging from mental side effects and stomach ulcers to an increased risk of infection. These are medications that should be used only when necessary and under the supervision of a physician. We must assume that the president is surrounded by the best experts available, and that they make careful and thorough evaluations of the use of the medicine, says Madsen.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  Dr. Sean P. Conley made a new statement about Trump's condition Sunday afternoon.

President Donald Trump’s doctor, Sean P. Conley, updated the public on Trump’s condition over the weekend.
Photo: Jacquelyn Martin (AP Photo)

The professor of experimental medicine at Imperial College London, Peter Openshaw, is one of those who is surprised that President Trump is being treated with dexamethasone after such a short-lived illness.

– It would be unusual to start steroid treatment after a relatively short illness. It is normally reserved for people who have had symptoms for a week or more and who have respiratory failure, Openshaw tells The Guardian.

– Or you are sicker than they said and you obviously need dexamethasone. Otherwise, he is not so sick, so it is unjustifiable to prescribe dexamethasone, says Yale University doctor and sociologist Nicholas Christakis, to the same newspaper.

Christakis does not explain in the article why she thinks it might be unjustifiable with dexamethasone treatment.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  Steinar Madsen is the medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

Steinar Madsen is Medical Director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency.
Photo: Press photo (Statens Legemiddelverk)


The president has also been given a cure for straps. This summer, the European Medicines Agency recommended a conditional approval of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.

– Remdesivir has several side effects. There are no medications that do not cause side effects, but the severity of side effects is very different. A new sign that has now emerged is that, in rare cases, remdesivir can lead to impaired kidney function and kidney failure in patients who already have kidney problems. But in the vast majority of patients, there is a relatively small risk of serious side effects, Madsen says.

– All patients are also closely monitored during treatment, he says.

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President Trump has also been treated with the experimental drug Rain-Cov2, which is a cocktail of artificial antibodies. The drug is developed by Regeneron and is not formally approved. So far, the drug has no known serious side effects, according to Reuters.

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– The studies that Regn-Cov2 has carried out so far are that it has an effect in patients with very mild symptoms. There is little knowledge about how this will work for very seriously ill patients, Madsen says.

Madsen says that there have been no very serious side effects for Regn-Cov2 so far.

– It is clear that the complete picture of side effects is obtained after a drug has been tested in hundreds or thousands of patients, or after close monitoring in practice in hospitals. An overview of serious side effects must be taken with some frequency before a drug is approved. However, the rarer side effects require close monitoring in practice. That is what we are looking for for all these covid-19 drugs. When they are approved and put into use, we will have a close follow-up, says Madsen.


possible side effects

Possible Side Effects of Dexamethasone (Source: Common Catalog):

“Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them. Tell your doctor immediately if:»

* feeling depressed and, among other things, having suicidal thoughts.
* feeling euphoric (manic) or your mood fluctuates.
* feeling uncomfortable, having trouble sleeping, having trouble thinking or feeling confused, and losing your memory.
* feel, see or hear things that are not there. You have strange or scary thoughts, change your behavior, or feel lonely.
* You experience severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, extreme muscle weakness and fatigue, extremely low blood pressure, weight loss, and fever, as these can be signs of impaired adrenal function.
* You experience sudden abdominal pain, tenderness, nausea, vomiting, fever, and blood in your stool, as these symptoms may be signs of a tear in your gut, especially if you have or have had a bowel disease.
* experiencing shortness of breath or swelling in the ankles, as this may be a sign of a worsening of a pre-existing heart disease.
